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Radial Glia Markers

Radial glia cells (RGCs), also referred to as radial glial progenitor cells, are progenitor cells responsible for the production of all neurons in the cerebral cortex. RGCs also produce certain lineages of glia cells, including astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, which are crucial for the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Mutations in either Lis1 or Nde1, proteins which are essential for RGC development, can result in the neurodevelopmental disease Lissencephaly. This disease, commonly known as “smooth brain”, is characterized by a lack of cortical folds and reduced brain volume. Patients may experience mental retardation, motor and speech deficits, and epilepsy, with extreme cases resulting in death, only a few months after birth.

The mosquito-borne Zika virus has recently been linked to death of neural progenitor cells, with indications that infection of the embryo within the first two trimesters of pregnancy has the potential to cause foetal birth defects and microcephaly.


Vimentins are class-III intermediate filaments found in various non-epithelial cells, especially mesenchymal cells. Vimentin is attached to the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, either laterally or terminally. Target information from UniProt accession P08670.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-Vimentin Antibody [VI-10] (A86652) Mouse, Human, Rat, Chicken, Porcine IP, WB, IHC-P, ICC
Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A85421) Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Porcine, Horse, Chicken WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A85420) Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Porcine, Horse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A104311) Human, Monkey, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Porcine, Horse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-Vimentin (I444) Antibody (A25518) Human, Mouse, Rat WB, IHC, IF


Required for brain and eye development. Promotes the disassembly of phosphorylated vimentin intermediate filaments (IF) during mitosis and may play a role in the trafficking and distribution of IF proteins and other cellular factors to daughter cells during progenitor cell division. Required for survival, renewal and mitogen-stimulated proliferation of neural progenitor cells. Target information from UniProt accession P48681.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-Nestin Antibody (A440) Mouse, Rat WB, ICC, IHC
Anti-Nestin Antibody (A104326) Human, Rat, Mouse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-Nestin Antibody (A85294) Human WB, ICC/IF
Anti-Nestin Antibody [4D11] (A85293) Human, Horse, Cow, Porcine, Chicken, Rat, Mouse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-Nestin Antibody [NES/2911] (A248153) Human IHC-P
Anti-Nestin Antibody [7A3] (A439) Mouse ICC/IF, IHC


This gene encodes paired box protein Pax-6, one of many human homologs of the Drosophila melanogaster gene prd. In addition to a conserved paired box domain, a hallmark feature of this gene family, the encoded protein also contains a homeobox domain. Both domains are known to bind DNA and function as regulators of gene transcription. Activity of this protein is key in the development of neural tissues, particularly the eye. This gene is regulated by multiple enhancers located up to hundreds of kilobases distant from this locus. Mutations in this gene or in the enhancer regions can cause ocular disorders such as aniridia and Peter's anomaly. Use of alternate promoters and alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms. Interestingly, inclusion of a particular alternate coding exon has been shown to increase the length of the paired box domain and alter its DNA binding specificity. Consequently, isoforms that carry the shorter paired box domain regulate a different set of genes compared to the isoforms carrying the longer paired box domain. Target information from NCBI Gene ID: 5080.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-PAX6 Antibody [PAX6/498] (A249566) Human, Mouse, Rat, Chicken FC, IF, WB
Anti-PAX6 Antibody [PAX6/1166] (A249567) Human IHC-P
Anti-PAX6 Antibody [SPM612] (A249568) Human FC, IF, IHC-P
Anti-Pax6 Antibody (A49782) Human, Mouse, Rat ELISA, WB
Anti-PAX6 Antibody (A83369) Mouse ELISA, WB


This protein belongs to the basic helix-loop-helix family of transcription factors. It is a transcriptional repressor of genes that require a bHLH protein for their transcription. The protein has a particular type of basic domain that contains a helix interrupting protein that binds to the N-box rather than the canonical E-box. Target information from NCBI Gene ID: 3280.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-HES1 Antibody (A47158) Human IHC
Anti-HES1 Antibody (A43945) Human WB
Anti-HES-1 Antibody (A49585) Human, Mouse, Rat ELISA, WB


This gene encodes one of the major intermediate filament proteins of mature astrocytes. It is used as a marker to distinguish astrocytes from other glial cells during development. Mutations in this gene cause Alexander disease, a rare disorder of astrocytes in the central nervous system. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms. Target information from NCBI Gene ID: 2670.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-GFAP Antibody (A85419) Human, Horse, Cow, Porcine, Chicken, Rat, Mouse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-GFAP Antibody [GA-5] (A85508) Human, Porcine, Rat IP, WB, IHC-P, ICC
Anti-GFAP Antibody (A85307) Human, Horse, Cow, Porcine, Chicken, Rat, Mouse WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Anti-GFAP Antibody [2A5] (A104314) Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, Porcine WB, ICC/IF, IHC
Recombinant Anti-GFAP Antibody [rASTRO/789] (A248711) Human, Mouse, Rat, Bovine, Porcine, Rabbit, Chicken FC, WB, IHC-P
Anti-GFAP Antibody (FITC) (A54231) Human, Mouse, Rat ELISA, IMM, WB


Sodium-dependent, high-affinity amino acid transporter that mediates the uptake of L-glutamate and also L-aspartate and D-aspartate. Functions as a symporter that transports one amino acid molecule together with two or three Na+ ions and one proton, in parallel with the counter-transport of one K+ ion. Mediates Cl- flux that is not coupled to amino acid transport; this avoids the accumulation of negative charges due to aspartate and Na+ symport. Plays a redundant role in the rapid removal of released glutamate from the synaptic cleft, which is essential for terminating the postsynaptic action of glutamate. Target information from UniProt accession P43003.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-EAAT1 Antibody (A54665) Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat ELISA, IHC, IP, WB
Anti-EAAT1 Antibody (A101114) Human WB, ELISA
Anti-SLC1A3 Antibody (A42560) Human WB
Anti-EAAT1 Antibody (Biotin) (A52937) Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat ELISA, IHC, IP, WB
Anti-EAAT1 Antibody (FITC) (A53833) Human, Monkey, Mouse, Rat ELISA, IHC, IP, WB
Anti-SLC1A3 Antibody (A82700) Human ELISA, WB


N-cadherin is a calcium-dependent cell adhesion protein. It preferentially mediates homotypic cell-cell adhesion by dimerization with a CDH2 chain from another cell. Cadherins may thus contribute to the sorting of heterogeneous cell types. Acts as a regulator of neural stem cells quiescence by mediating anchorage of neural stem cells to ependymocytes in the adult subependymal zone: upon cleavage by MMP24, CDH2-mediated anchorage is affected, leading to modulate neural stem cell quiescence. Plays a role in cell-to-cell junction formation between pancreatic beta cells and neural crest stem (NCS) cells, promoting the formation of processes by NCS cells. CDH2 may be involved in neuronal recognition mechanism. In hippocampal neurons, may regulate dendritic spine density. Target information from UniProt accession P19022.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Recombinant Anti-N Cadherin Antibody [rCDH2/1426] (A248058) Human IHC-P
Anti-N Cadherin Antibody [8C11] (A248056) Human, Mouse FC, IF, WB, IHC-P
Anti-N Cadherin Antibody [MNCD2] (A248060) Human, Mouse, Chicken FC, WB, IHC-P
Anti-N Cadherin Antibody [CDH2/1573] (A248057) Human, Mouse IHC-P
Anti-N Cadherin Antibody (A121595) Human, Rat, Mouse, Canine, Monkey WB, IF
Recombinant Anti-N Cadherin Antibody [CDH2/3874R] (A248059) Human IHC-P


This intronless gene encodes a member of the SRY-related HMG-box (SOX) family of transcription factors involved in the regulation of embryonic development and in the determination of cell fate. The product of this gene is required for stem-cell maintenance in the central nervous system, and also regulates gene expression in the stomach. Mutations in this gene have been associated with optic nerve hypoplasia and with syndromic microphthalmia, a severe form of structural eye malformation. This gene lies within an intron of another gene called SOX2 overlapping transcript (SOX2OT). Target information from NCBI Gene ID: 6657.

Product Name Reactivity Applications
Anti-SOX2 Antibody [SOX2/1791] (A250002) Human, Mouse ELISA, WB, IHC-P
Recombinant Anti-SOX2 Antibody [SOX2/3169R] (A250006) Human, Mouse ELISA, WB, IHC-P
Anti-Sox2 Antibody (A24853) Human, Mouse, Rat WB
Anti-Sox2 Antibody (A32452) Human, Mouse WB, ICC, FC
Anti-SOX2 Antibody (Biotin) (A52641) Human, Monkey, Mouse, Pig ELISA, IP, WB
Anti-SOX2 Antibody (FITC) (A53538) Human, Monkey, Mouse, Pig ELISA, IP, WB

Featured Radial Glia Markers