Interferon regulatory factor 9 Antibodies

Discover the perfect Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibody for your experiments, from our range of anti-Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies that recognize Interferon regulatory factor 9 in Human and Mouse samples, and can be used in multiple research applications, including Western Blotting (WB), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunocytochemistry / Immunofluorescence (ICC/IF) and Flow Cytometry. Our range of Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies include anti-Interferon regulatory factor 9 monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that are developed in Rabbit and Mouse hosts. These antibodies are available unconjugated and in carrier free formulations. Our monoclonal Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies includes the Clone ID PCRP-IRF9-2F8. Some of our Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies have also been validated by Protein Array to confirm specificity to Interferon regulatory factor 9. Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies are also commonly known as IRF-9 antibodies, IFN-alpha-responsive transcription factor subunit antibodies, ISGF3 p48 subunit antibodies, Interferon-stimulated gene factor 3 gamma antibodies, ISGF-3 gamma antibodies, Transcriptional regulator ISGF3 subunit gamma antibodies, IRF9 antibodies and ISGF3G antibodies. Explore our range of Interferon regulatory factor 9 antibodies below and discover more, for less.

3 Products
View ProductMonospecific Antibody
SDS-PAGE - Anti-IRF9 Antibody [PCRP-IRF9-2F8] (A277529) -
View ProductMonospecific Antibody
SDS-PAGE - Anti-IRF9 Antibody [PCRP-IRF9-2F8] - BSA and Azide free (A278117) -
IRF9 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (35787) -

Showing 1-3 of 3 products

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