HeLa cells stained with Anti-Lamp1 Antibody (red), Anti-Vimentin Antobody (A85421 | green) and DNA (blue). The Anti-Lamp1 Antibody reveals strong punctate cytoplasmic staining corresponding to lysosomes and late endosomes, while the Anti-Vimentin Antibody reveals cytoplasmic intermediate filaments.
Western strip blots of HeLa cell crude extracts stained with Anti-Lamp1 Antibody in strip 9. Lane 10 shows staining with Anti-Lamp1 Antibody (A85309). Both antibodies bind to a diffuse band running at between ~90 and ~120 kDa as expected, and show no appreciably cross reactivity with any other protein.
Immunofluorescent analysis of HeLa cells stained with Anti-Lamp1 Antibody [5H6] (A85308), at a dilution of 1:500, in red, and co-stained with Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A85421), at a dilution of 1:10,000, in green. The blue is DAPI staining of nuclear DNA. The cells were treated with 50 µM of chloroquine, an inhibitor of autophagy, for 16 hours prior to staining. The Anti-Lamp1 Antibody [5H6] (A85308) reveals vesicular staining of LAMP1 protein accumulated in swollen lysosomes, while the Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A85421) specifically labels the intermediate filament network in these cells.
Western blot analysis of different cell lysates using Anti-Lamp1 Antibody [5H6] (A85308), at a dilution of 1:10,000, in green. Cells were maintained under normal conditions (Ct), or treated with 50 µM chloroquine (CQ), an inhibitor of autophagy, for 24 hours. The lanes contain samples of: [1] Protein standards, in red, [2] HeLa cells (Ct), [3] HeLa cells (CQ), [4] NIH-3T3 cells (Ct), and [5] NIH-3T3 cells (CQ). The smeared band between 75 kDa and 120 kDa corresponds to variably glycosylated forms of the Lamp1 protein detected only in the human cells. This antibody does not recognise the rodent Lamp1 homologue. The same blot was probed with Anti-Heat Shock Protein 60 Antibody (A85438), at a dilution of 1:20,000, in red. The HSP60 antibody shows heat shock 60 protein as a positive loading control with apparent molecular weight of 60kDa in all preparations.
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