Immunofluorescent analysis of HeLa cell culture stained with Anti-Vimentin Antibody (1:10,000 | green) and Anti-Actin Antibody (A85388 | 1:500 | red). The blue is DAPI staining of nuclear DNA. The Anti-Vimentin Antibody stains the intermediate filament network while the Anti-Actin Antibody labels the submembranous cytoskeleton, stress fibers, and bundles of actin associated with cell adhesion sites.
Figure 2: Western Blot - Anti-Vimentin Antibody (A85421)
Western blot analysis of tissue and cell lysates using Anti-Vimentin Antibody (1:5,000 | red): [1] protein standard (red), [2] rat whole brain lysate, [3] HeLa, [4] SH-SY5Y, [5] HEK293, and [6] NIH-3T3 cell lysates. Anti-Vimentin Antibody binds to the vimentin protein showing a single band at ~50 kDa. The blot was simultaneously probed with Anti-MAP2 Antibody (A85459 | 1:5,000 | green) - revealing multiple bands around 280kDa that correspond to full length MAP2A/2B isotypes, and ~70kDa bands which are MAP2C/D isotypes. MAP2 isotypes are seen only in extracts containing neuronal lineage cells.
View of mixed neuron/glial cultures stained with Anti-Vimentin Antibody (green) and Anti-GFAP Antibody (A85419 | red). Vimentin is the sole cytoplasmic intermediate filament subunit expressed in fibroblasts, microglial and endothelial cells. The flattened cells in the middle of the image which appear green are fibroblasts. Astrocytes may express primarily GFAP, or both GFAP and vimentin, and so appear red (GFAP only) or golden yellow (GFAP and Vimentin). In cells which express both GFAP and vimentin, the two proteins assemble to produce heteropolymer filaments.
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