Proteine CD4

8 prodotti

CD4 è un gene codificato dal simbolo CD4. È noto anche come T-cell surface glycoprotein T-cell surface antigen T4/Leu-3. CD4 ha una massa di 51.11kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 458.

Offriamo 8 proteine CD4

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Integral membrane glycoprotein that plays an essential role in the immune response and serves multiple functions in responses against both external and internal offenses. In T-cells, functions primarily as a coreceptor for MHC class II molecule:peptide complex. The antigens presented by class II peptides are derived from extracellular proteins while class I peptides are derived from cytosolic proteins. Interacts simultaneously with the T-cell receptor (TCR) and the MHC class II presented by antigen presenting cells (APCs). In turn, recruits the Src kinase LCK to the vicinity of the TCR-CD3 complex. LCK then initiates different intracellular signaling pathways by phosphorylating various substrates ultimately leading to lymphokine production, motility, adhesion and activation of T-helper cells. In other cells such as macrophages or NK cells, plays a role in differentiation/activation, cytokine expression and cell migration in a TCR/LCK-independent pathway. Participates in the development of T-helper cells in the thymus and triggers the differentiation of monocytes into functional mature macrophages.
Sommario di Entrez
This gene encodes a membrane glycoprotein of T lymphocytes that interacts with major histocompatibility complex class II antigenes and is also a receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus. This gene is expressed not only in T lymphocytes, but also in B cells, macrophages, and granulocytes. It is also expressed in specific regions of the brain. The protein functions to initiate or augment the early phase of T-cell activation, and may function as an important mediator of indirect neuronal damage in infectious and immune-mediated diseases of the central nervous system. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified in this gene.
Specificità del tessuto
Highly expressed in T-helper cells. The presence of CD4 is a hallmark of T-helper cells which are specialized in the activation and growth of cytotoxic T-cells, regulation of B cells, or activation of phagocytes. CD4 is also present in other immune cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells or NK cells.
Modifica post-translazionale
Palmitoylation and association with LCK contribute to the enrichment of CD4 in lipid rafts.
Posizione cellulare
Cell membrane.

Localizes to lipid rafts (PubMed:12517957, PubMed:9168119). Removed from plasma membrane by HIV-1 Nef protein that increases clathrin-dependent endocytosis of this antigen to target it to lysosomal degradation. Cell surface expression is also down-modulated by HIV-1 Envelope polyprotein gp160 that interacts with, and sequesters CD4 in the endoplasmic reticulum.
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