Proteine Albumin

9 prodotti

Albumin è un gene codificato dal simbolo ALB. È noto anche come Serum ALB. Albumin ha una massa di 69.37kDa, una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 609, ed è implicato nella malattia: Hyperthyroxinemia, familial dysalbuminemic; Analbuminemia.

Offriamo 9 proteine Albumin

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Serum albumin, the main protein of plasma, has a good binding capacity for water, Ca(2+), Na(+), K(+), fatty acids, hormones, bilirubin and drugs (Probable). Its main function is the regulation of the colloidal osmotic pressure of blood (Probable). Major zinc transporter in plasma, typically binds about 80% of all plasma zinc (PubMed:19021548). Major calcium and magnesium transporter in plasma, binds approximately 45% of circulating calcium and magnesium in plasma (By similarity). Potentially has more than two calcium-binding sites and might additionally bind calcium in a non-specific manner (By similarity). The shared binding site between zinc and calcium at residue Asp-273 suggests a crosstalk between zinc and calcium transport in the blood (By similarity). The rank order of affinity is zinc > calcium > magnesium (By similarity). Binds to the bacterial siderophore enterobactin and inhibits enterobactin-mediated iron uptake of E.coli from ferric transferrin, and may thereby limit the utilization of iron and growth of enteric bacteria such as E.coli (PubMed:6234017). Does not prevent iron uptake by the bacterial siderophore aerobactin (PubMed:6234017).
Sommario di Entrez
This gene encodes the most abundant protein in human blood. This protein functions in the regulation of blood plasma colloid osmotic pressure and acts as a carrier protein for a wide range of endogenous molecules including hormones, fatty acids, and metabolites, as well as exogenous drugs. Additionally, this protein exhibits an esterase-like activity with broad substrate specificity. The encoded preproprotein is proteolytically processed to generate the mature protein. A peptide derived from this protein, EPI-X4, is an endogenous inhibitor of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor.
Specificità del tessuto
Coinvolgimento nella malattia
Hyperthyroxinemia, familial dysalbuminemic: A disorder characterized by abnormally elevated levels of total serum thyroxine (T4) in euthyroid patients. It is due to abnormal serum albumin that binds T4 with enhanced affinity.

Analbuminemia: A rare autosomal recessive disorder manifested by the presence of a very low amount of circulating serum albumin. Affected individuals manifest mild edema, hypotension, fatigue, and, occasionally, lower body lipodystrophy (mainly in adult females). The most common biochemical finding is hyperlipidemia, with a significant increase in the total and LDL cholesterol concentrations, but normal concentrations of HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the ALB/AFP/VDB family.
Modifica post-translazionale
Kenitra variant is partially O-glycosylated at Thr-620. It has two new disulfide bonds Cys-600 to Cys-602 and Cys-601 to Cys-606.
Posizione cellulare
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SDS-PAGE - Recombinant Human Albumin Protein (6×His Tag) (A318150) -
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