Anticorpi MYO10

1 prodotto

MYO10 è un gene codificato dal simbolo MYO10. Comunemente indicato anche come: Unconventional myosin-X; Unconventional myosin-10; KIAA0799. MYO10 ha una massa di 237.35kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 2058.

Offriamo 1 anticorpi contro MYO10, allevati nel Coniglio, che sono adatti per WB e ICC/IF con campioni derivati ​​da Umano e Topo.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Myosins are actin-based motor molecules with ATPase activity. Unconventional myosins serve in intracellular movements. MYO10 binds to actin filaments and actin bundles and functions as plus end-directed motor. The tail domain binds to membranous compartments containing phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate or integrins, and mediates cargo transport along actin filaments. Regulates cell shape, cell spreading and cell adhesion. Stimulates the formation and elongation of filopodia. May play a role in neurite outgrowth and axon guidance. In hippocampal neurons it induces the formation of dendritic filopodia by trafficking the actin-remodeling protein VASP to the tips of filopodia, where it promotes actin elongation. Plays a role in formation of the podosome belt in osteoclasts.
Sommario di Entrez
This gene encodes a member of the myosin superfamily. The protein represents an unconventional myosin; it should not be confused with the conventional non-muscle myosin-10 (MYH10). Unconventional myosins contain the basic domains of conventional myosins and are further distinguished from class members by their tail domains. This gene functions as an actin-based molecular motor and plays a role in integration of F-actin and microtubule cytoskeletons during meiosis.
Specificità del tessuto
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the TRAFAC class myosin-kinesin ATPase superfamily. Myosin family.
Modifica post-translazionale
The initiator methionine for isoform Headless is removed.
Posizione cellulare
Cytoplasm > Cytosol. Cell projection > Lamellipodium. Cell projection > Ruffle. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton. Cell projection > Filopodium tip. Cytoplasm > Cell cortex. Cell projection > Filopodium membrane.

May be in an inactive, monomeric conformation in the cytosol. Detected in cytoplasmic punctae and in cell projections. Colocalizes with actin fibers. Undergoes forward and rearward movements within filopodia. Interacts with microtubules.
Western Blot - Anti-MYO10 Antibody (A88983) -


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