Anticorpi ITK

7 prodotti

ITK è un gene codificato dal simbolo ITK. Comunemente indicato anche come: Tyrosine-protein kinase ITK/TSK; Interleukin-2-inducible T-cell kinase; IL-2-inducible T-cell kinase; Kinase EMT; T-cell-specific kinase; Tyrosine-protein kinase Lyk; EMT; LYK. ITK ha una massa di 71.83kDa, una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 620, ed è implicato in Lymphoproliferative syndrome 1.

Offriamo 7 anticorpi contro ITK, allevati nel Coniglio, che sono adatti per WB, IHC e ELISA con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo e Ratto.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Tyrosine kinase that plays an essential role in regulation of the adaptive immune response. Regulates the development, function and differentiation of conventional T-cells and nonconventional NKT-cells. When antigen presenting cells (APC) activate T-cell receptor (TCR), a series of phosphorylation lead to the recruitment of ITK to the cell membrane, in the vicinity of the stimulated TCR receptor, where it is phosphorylated by LCK. Phosphorylation leads to ITK autophosphorylation and full activation. Once activated, phosphorylates PLCG1, leading to the activation of this lipase and subsequent cleavage of its substrates. In turn, the endoplasmic reticulum releases calcium in the cytoplasm and the nuclear activator of activated T-cells (NFAT) translocates into the nucleus to perform its transcriptional duty. Phosphorylates 2 essential adapter proteins: the linker for activation of T-cells/LAT protein and LCP2. Then, a large number of signaling molecules such as VAV1 are recruited and ultimately lead to lymphokine production, T-cell proliferation and differentiation (PubMed:12186560, PubMed:12682224, PubMed:21725281). Required for TCR-mediated calcium response in gamma-delta T-cells, may also be involved in the modulation of the transcriptomic signature in the Vgamma2-positive subset of immature gamma-delta T-cells (By similarity). Phosphorylates TBX21 at 'Tyr-530' and mediates its interaction with GATA3 (By similarity).
Sommario di Entrez
This gene encodes an intracellular tyrosine kinase expressed in T-cells. The protein contains both SH2 and SH3 domains which are often found in intracellular kinases. It is thought to play a role in T-cell proliferation and differentiation.
Specificità del tessuto
T-cell lines and natural killer cell lines.
Coinvolgimento nella malattia
Lymphoproliferative syndrome 1: A rare immunodeficiency characterized by extreme susceptibility to infection with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Inadequate immune response to EBV can have a fatal outcome. Clinical features include splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy, anemia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, recurrent infections. There is an increased risk for lymphoma.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. TEC subfamily.
Modifica post-translazionale
Phosphorylated at Tyr-512 in the activation loop of the kinase domain by LCK. Subsequent autophosphorylation at Tyr-180 leads to the kinase activation. The autophosphorylated Tyr-180 lies within the substrate binding sequence of the SH3 domain.
Posizione cellulare
Cytoplasm. Nucleus.

Localizes in the vicinity of cell surface receptors in the plasma membrane after receptor stimulation.
Western Blot - Anti-ITK (phospho Tyr512) Antibody (A1079) -
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Anti-ITK Antibody from FabGennix (ITK-101AP) -
Western blot - ITK (Phospho-Tyr512) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12445) -
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Immunohistochemistry - ITK Antibody from Signalway Antibody (36559) -
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