Anticorpi HPV16 L1

12 prodotti

HPV16 L1 è un gene codificato dal simbolo L1. Comunemente indicato anche come: Major capsid protein L1; L1. HPV16 L1 ha una massa di 56.28kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 505.

Offriamo 12 anticorpi contro HPV16 L1, allevati nel Coniglio e Topo, che sono adatti per IHC e ICC/IF.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Forms an icosahedral capsid with a T=7 symmetry and a 50 nm diameter. The capsid is composed of 72 pentamers linked to each other by disulfide bonds and associated with L2 proteins. Binds to heparan sulfate proteoglycans on cell surface of basal layer keratinocytes to provide initial virion attachment. This binding mediates a conformational change in the virus capsid that facilitates efficient infection. The virion enters the host cell via endocytosis. During virus trafficking, L1 protein dissociates from the viral DNA and the genomic DNA is released to the host nucleus. The virion assembly takes place within the cell nucleus. Encapsulates the genomic DNA together with protein L2.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the papillomaviridae L1 protein family.
Modifica post-translazionale
ISGylated by host HERC5, this results in dominant-negative effect on virus infectivity.
Posizione cellulare
Virion. Host nucleus.
Collegamenti al database
SDS-PAGE - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [CAMVIR-1] (A250881) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [CAMVIR-1] - BSA and Azide free (A254061) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [HPV16/2058R] (A251024) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [SPM405] (A250881) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [SPM257] - BSA and Azide free (A254087) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [rHPV16L1/1058] - BSA and Azide free (A254176) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [SPM257] (A250907) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [rHPV16L1/1058] (A250997) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [HPV16/2058R] - BSA and Azide free (A254203) -
Visualizza prodottoAnticorpo ricombinante
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [SPM405] - BSA and Azide free (A254061) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [HPV16L1/1058] (A250915) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-HPV16 L1 Antibody [HPV16L1/1058] - BSA and Azide free (A254095) -

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