Anticorpi GANP

6 prodotti

GANP è un gene codificato dal simbolo MCM3AP. Comunemente indicato anche come: Germinal-center associated nuclear protein; 80 kDa MCM3-associated protein; MCM3 acetylating protein; MCM3AP; MCM3 acetyltransferase; KIAA0572; MAP80. GANP ha una massa di 218.41kDa, una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 1980, ed è implicato in Peripheral neuropathy, autosomal recessive, with or without impaired intellectual development.

Offriamo 6 anticorpi contro GANP, allevati nel Coniglio, che sono adatti per WB, IHC, ELISA e ICC/IF con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo e Ratto.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
As a component of the TREX-2 complex, involved in the export of mRNAs to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores (PubMed:20005110, PubMed:20384790, PubMed:23591820, PubMed:22307388). Through the acetylation of histones, affects the assembly of nucleosomes at immunoglobulin variable region genes and promotes the recruitment and positioning of transcription complex to favor DNA cytosine deaminase AICDA/AID targeting, hence promoting somatic hypermutations (PubMed:23652018).
Sommario di Entrez
The minichromosome maintenance protein 3 (MCM3) is one of the MCM proteins essential for the initiation of DNA replication. The protein encoded by this gene is a MCM3 binding protein. It was reported to have phosphorylation-dependent DNA-primase activity, which was up-regulated in antigen immunization induced germinal center. This protein was demonstrated to be an acetyltransferase that acetylates MCM3 and plays a role in DNA replication. The mutagenesis of a nuclear localization signal of MCM3 affects the binding of this protein with MCM3, suggesting that this protein may also facilitate MCM3 nuclear localization. This gene is expressed in the brain or in neuronal tissue. An allelic variant encoding amino acid Lys at 915, instead of conserved Glu, has been identified in patients with mild intellectual disability.
Specificità del tessuto
Widely expressed (PubMed:11024281). Up-regulated in germinal center B-cells in tonsils (at protein level) (PubMed:11024281).
Coinvolgimento nella malattia
Peripheral neuropathy, autosomal recessive, with or without impaired intellectual development: An autosomal recessive disorder characterized by early childhood-onset of peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy, progressive distal muscle weakness, atrophy in hands and feet, and gait difficulties, often with loss of ambulation. Most affected individuals also have impaired intellectual development, although some have normal cognition. Additional features may include eye movement abnormalities, claw hands, foot deformities, and scoliosis.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the SAC3 family.
Posizione cellulare
Nucleus envelope. Nucleus > Nuclear pore complex. Nucleus > Nucleoplasm. Chromosome.

Predominantly located at the nuclear envelope, facing the nucleus interior (PubMed:20005110, PubMed:21195085, PubMed:23591820). Localization at the nuclear pore complex requires NUP153, TPR and ALYREF/ALY (PubMed:23591820, PubMed:22307388). Also found associated with chromatin (PubMed:23652018). In B-cells, targeted to the immunoglobulin variable region genes (PubMed:23652018).
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-GANP Antibody (C0204) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Western Blot - Anti-GANP Antibody (A90974) -
Western Blot - Anti-GANP Antibody (A90975) -
Immunohistochemistry - GANP Antibody from Signalway Antibody (33383) -
Anti-GANP (E1872) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1138) -
Immunohistochemistry - MCM3AP Antibody from Signalway Antibody (36495) -

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