Anticorpi FTO

7 prodotti

FTO è un gene codificato dal simbolo FTO. Altri nomi includono: Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase Fat mass and obesity-associated protein; U6 small nuclear RNA (2'-O-methyladenosine-N(6)-)-demethylase U6 small nuclear RNA N(6)-methyladenosine-demethylase mRNA (2'-O-methyladenosine-N(6)-)-demethylase m6A(m)-demethylase mRNA N(6)-methyladenosine demethylase tRNA N1-methyl adenine demethylase KIAA1752. FTO ha una massa di 58.28kDa, una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 505, ed è implicato nella malattia: Growth retardation, developmental delay, and facial dysmorphism; Obesity.

Offriamo 7 anticorpi contro FTO, allevati nel Coniglio e Capra, che sono adatti per WB, IHC, ELISA e IP con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo e Ratto.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
RNA demethylase that mediates oxidative demethylation of different RNA species, such as mRNAs, tRNAs and snRNAs, and acts as a regulator of fat mass, adipogenesis and energy homeostasis (PubMed:22002720, PubMed:26458103, PubMed:28002401, PubMed:30197295, PubMed:26457839, PubMed:25452335). Specifically demethylates N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA, the most prevalent internal modification of messenger RNA (mRNA) in higher eukaryotes (PubMed:22002720, PubMed:26458103, PubMed:30197295, PubMed:26457839, PubMed:25452335). M6A demethylation by FTO affects mRNA expression and stability (PubMed:30197295). Also able to demethylate m6A in U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) (PubMed:30197295). Mediates demethylation of N(6),2'-O-dimethyladenosine cap (m6A(m)), by demethylating the N(6)-methyladenosine at the second transcribed position of mRNAs and U6 snRNA (PubMed:28002401, PubMed:30197295). Demethylation of m6A(m) in the 5'-cap by FTO affects mRNA stability by promoting susceptibility to decapping (PubMed:28002401). Also acts as a tRNA demethylase by removing N(1)-methyladenine from various tRNAs (PubMed:30197295). Has no activity towards 1-methylguanine (PubMed:20376003). Has no detectable activity towards double-stranded DNA (PubMed:20376003). Also able to repair alkylated DNA and RNA by oxidative demethylation: demethylates single-stranded RNA containing 3-methyluracil, single-stranded DNA containing 3-methylthymine and has low demethylase activity towards single-stranded DNA containing 1-methyladenine or 3-methylcytosine (PubMed:18775698, PubMed:20376003). Ability to repair alkylated DNA and RNA is however unsure in vivo (PubMed:18775698, PubMed:20376003). Involved in the regulation of fat mass, adipogenesis and body weight, thereby contributing to the regulation of body size and body fat accumulation (PubMed:18775698, PubMed:20376003). Involved in the regulation of thermogenesis and the control of adipocyte differentiation into brown or white fat cells (PubMed:26287746). Regulates activity of the dopaminergic midbrain circuitry via its ability to demethylate m6A in mRNAs (By similarity). Plays an oncogenic role in a number of acute myeloid leukemias by enhancing leukemic oncogene-mediated cell transformation: acts by mediating m6A demethylation of target transcripts such as MYC, CEBPA, ASB2 and RARA, leading to promote their expression (PubMed:28017614, PubMed:29249359).
Sommario di Entrez
This gene is a nuclear protein of the AlkB related non-haem iron and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent oxygenase superfamily but the exact physiological function of this gene is not known. Other non-heme iron enzymes function to reverse alkylated DNA and RNA damage by oxidative demethylation. Studies in mice and humans indicate a role in nervous and cardiovascular systems and a strong association with body mass index, obesity risk, and type 2 diabetes.
Specificità del tessuto
Ubiquitously expressed, with relatively high expression in adrenal glands and brain; especially in hypothalamus and pituitary (PubMed:17434869, PubMed:17496892). Highly expressed in highly expressed in acute myeloid leukemias (AML) with t(11;11)(q23;23) with KMT2A/MLL1 rearrangements, t(15;17)(q21;q21)/PML-RARA, FLT3-ITD, and/or NPM1 mutations (PubMed:28017614).
Coinvolgimento nella malattia
Growth retardation, developmental delay, and facial dysmorphism: A severe polymalformation syndrome characterized by postnatal growth retardation, microcephaly, severe psychomotor delay, functional brain deficits and characteristic facial dysmorphism. In some patients, structural brain malformations, cardiac defects, genital anomalies, and cleft palate are observed. Early death occurs by the age of 3 years.

Obesity: A condition characterized by an increase of body weight beyond the limitation of skeletal and physical requirements, as the result of excessive accumulation of body fat.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the fto family.
Posizione cellulare
Nucleus. Nucleus speckle. Cytoplasm.

Localizes mainly in the nucleus, where it is able to demethylate N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) and N(6),2'-O-dimethyladenosine cap (m6A(m)) in U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), N(1)-methyladenine from tRNAs and internal m6A in mRNAs (PubMed:30197295). In the cytoplasm, mediates demethylation of m6A and m6A(m) in mRNAs and N(1)-methyladenine from tRNAs (PubMed:30197295).
Western Blot - Anti-FTO Antibody (A8927) -
Western Blot - Anti-FTO Antibody (R12-2146) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Western Blot - Anti-FTO Antibody (A307471) -
Western Blot - Anti-Fto Antibody (A84524) -
Western blot - FTO Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41548) -
Western blot - FTO Antibody from Signalway Antibody (24880) -
FTO Antibody from Signalway Antibody (36489) -

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