Anticorpi Cullin 1

6 prodotti

Cullin 1 è un gene codificato dal simbolo CUL1. Altri nomi includono: Cullin-1; CUL-1; CUL1. Cullin 1 ha una massa di 89.68kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 776.

Offriamo 6 anticorpi contro Cullin 1, allevati nel Coniglio, che sono adatti per WB, IHC, ELISA e ICC/IF con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo e Ratto.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Core component of multiple cullin-RING-based SCF (SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complexes, which mediate the ubiquitination of proteins involved in cell cycle progression, signal transduction and transcription. SCF complexes and ARIH1 collaborate in tandem to mediate ubiquitination of target proteins (PubMed:27565346). In the SCF complex, serves as a rigid scaffold that organizes the SKP1-F-box protein and RBX1 subunits. May contribute to catalysis through positioning of the substrate and the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme. The E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase activity of the complex is dependent on the neddylation of the cullin subunit and exchange of the substrate recognition component is mediated by TIP120A/CAND1. The functional specificity of the SCF complex depends on the F-box protein as substrate recognition component. SCF(BTRC) and SCF(FBXW11) direct ubiquitination of CTNNB1 and participate in Wnt signaling. SCF(FBXW11) directs ubiquitination of phosphorylated NFKBIA. SCF(BTRC) directs ubiquitination of NFKBIB, NFKBIE, ATF4, SMAD3, SMAD4, CDC25A, FBXO5 and probably NFKB2. SCF(BTRC) and/or SCF(FBXW11) direct ubiquitination of CEP68 (PubMed:25704143, PubMed:25503564). SCF(SKP2) directs ubiquitination of phosphorylated CDKN1B/p27kip and is involved in regulation of G1/S transition. SCF(SKP2) directs ubiquitination of ORC1, CDT1, RBL2, ELF4, CDKN1A, RAG2, FOXO1A, and probably MYC and TAL1. SCF(FBXW7) directs ubiquitination of CCNE1, NOTCH1 released notch intracellular domain (NICD), and probably PSEN1. SCF(FBXW2) directs ubiquitination of GCM1. SCF(FBXO32) directs ubiquitination of MYOD1. SCF(FBXO7) directs ubiquitination of BIRC2 and DLGAP5. SCF(FBXO33) directs ubiquitination of YBX1. SCF(FBXO1) directs ubiquitination of BCL6 and DTL but does not seem to direct ubiquitination of TP53. SCF(BTRC) mediates the ubiquitination of NFKBIA at 'Lys-21' and 'Lys-22'; the degradation frees the associated NFKB1-RELA dimer to translocate into the nucleus and to activate transcription. SCF(CCNF) directs ubiquitination of CCP110. SCF(FBXL3) and SCF(FBXL21) direct ubiquitination of CRY1 and CRY2. SCF(FBXO9) directs ubiquitination of TTI1 and TELO2. SCF(FBXO10) directs ubiquitination of BCL2.
Specificità del tessuto
Expressed in lung fibroblasts.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the cullin family.
Modifica post-translazionale
Neddylated; which enhances the ubiquitination activity of SCF and prevents binding of the inhibitor CAND1. Deneddylated via its interaction with the COP9 signalosome (CSN) complex (PubMed:10597293, PubMed:10713156, PubMed:15537541, PubMed:18805092).
Collegamenti al database
Western Blot - Anti-Cullin 1 Antibody (C0162) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
Anti-CUL-1 (Y761) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1081) -
Immunohistochemistry - Cullin 1 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (33347) -
Anti-CUL1 Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS6771) -
Western blot - CUL1 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (32618) -
Immunohistochemistry - CUL1 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (43243) -

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