Anticorpi Clathrin heavy chain

11 prodotti

Clathrin heavy chain è un gene codificato dal simbolo CLTCL1. Altri nomi includono: Clathrin heavy chain 2 on chromosome 22; CLH-22; CLTCL1; CLH22; CLTCL; CLTD. Clathrin heavy chain ha una massa di 187.03kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 1640.

Offriamo 11 anticorpi contro Clathrin heavy chain, allevati nel Coniglio, Topo e Capra, che sono adatti per WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, Citometria a Flusso e IP con campioni derivati ​​da Umano, Topo, Ratto, Bovino, Maiale, Scimmia, Bird e Cane.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Clathrin is the major protein of the polyhedral coat of coated pits and vesicles. Two different adapter protein complexes link the clathrin lattice either to the plasma membrane or to the trans-Golgi network (By similarity).
Sommario di Entrez
Clathrin is a major protein component of the cytoplasmic face of intracellular organelles, called coated vesicles and coated pits. These specialized organelles are involved in the intracellular trafficking of receptors and endocytosis of a variety of macromolecules. The basic subunit of the clathrin coat is composed of three heavy chains and three light chains.
Specificità del tessuto
Maximal levels in skeletal muscle. High levels in heart and testis. Low expression detected in all other tissues.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the clathrin heavy chain family.
Posizione cellulare
Cytoplasmic vesicle membrane. Membrane > Coated pit.

Cytoplasmic face of coated pits and vesicles.
Western Blot - Anti-Clathrin heavy chain Antibody [ARC1228] (A308642) -
Immunocytochemistry - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody [BF-06] (A86631) -
Visualizza prodotto10µg Dimensione di prova
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody [CHC/1432] - BSA and Azide free (A251411) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody [CHC/1432] (A248228) -
Western Blot - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody (AB0059) -
Western Blot - Anti-CLTC Antibody (A7886) -
Western Blot - Anti-Clathrin heavy chain Antibody (A88620) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody [CLTC/1431] - BSA and Azide free (A251409) -
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Clathrin Heavy Chain Antibody [CLTC/1431] (A248226) -
CLTC Antibody from Signalway Antibody (37491) -
Clathrin heavy chain 2 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (42127) -

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