Dosaggi C Reactive Protein

15 prodotti

C Reactive Protein è un gene codificato dal simbolo CRP. Altri nomi includono: C-reactive protein; CRP; PTX1. C Reactive Protein ha una massa di 25.04kDa e una lunghezza di amminoacidi di 224.

Offriamo 15 C Reactive Protein ELISA kit per il rilevamento qualitativo o quantitativo di C Reactive Protein da campioni di Umano, Topo, Ratto, Bovino, Maiale, Coniglio, Pecora, Pollo e Porcellino d'India.

Informazioni su geni e proteine

Riepilogo UniProt
Displays several functions associated with host defense: it promotes agglutination, bacterial capsular swelling, phagocytosis and complement fixation through its calcium-dependent binding to phosphorylcholine. Can interact with DNA and histones and may scavenge nuclear material released from damaged circulating cells.
Sommario di Entrez
The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the pentaxin family. It is involved in several host defense related functions based on its ability to recognize foreign pathogens and damaged cells of the host and to initiate their elimination by interacting with humoral and cellular effector systems in the blood. Consequently, the level of this protein in plasma increases greatly during acute phase response to tissue injury, infection, or other inflammatory stimuli.
Specificità del tessuto
Found in plasma.
Somiglianze di sequenza
Belongs to the pentraxin family.
Posizione cellulare
Standard Curve - Human C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (A79240) -
Standard Curve - Rat C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Ra) -
Standard Curve - Porcine C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-p) -
Standard Curve - Sheep C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (A303869) -
Standard Curve - Rabbit C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Rb) -
Standard Curve - Mouse C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (Small Sample Volume) (A323244) -
Standard Curve - Bovine C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-b) -
Standard Curve - Chicken C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Ch) -
Standard Curve - Guinea Pig C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Gu) -
Standard Curve - Mouse C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (A314001) -
Visualizza prodottoELISA da 90 minuti
Standard Curve - Human C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Hu) -
Standard Curve - Mouse C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (DL-CRP-Mu) -
Standard Curve - Mouse C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (A79241) -
Standard Curve - Rat C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (A76707) -
Standard Curve - Human C Reactive Protein ELISA Kit (High Sensitivity) (EL10022) -

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