HOXA1 Kit Elisa (A104228)

Spese di spedizione
Tempi di consegna
5-8 Giorni lavorativi
+1 (314) 370-6046
Lun - Ven, 8:00 - 16:00 AST
Tipo di kit
Principio di kit
This HOXA1 ELISA Kit applies the qualitative technique of an indirect ELISA. Streptavidin is bound to the immunoassay plate and specific biotinylated double stranded (dsDNA) oligonucleotides are then added to bind to the streptavidin via a high affinity biotin-streptavidin interaction. After subsequent blocking of extraneous binding sites in each well, the sample containing the target of interest can be added. Primary antibody is added to bind activated transcription factors bound to the dsDNA oligonucleotide, which has been immobilized via the plate-coated streptavidin. A HRP-conjugated secondary antibody specific for rabbit IgGs is added, which allows for specific binding to the Primary Antibody, and consequently colorimetric detection upon addition of the TMB substrate. For color development, TMB (3, 3’, 5, 5’-Tetramethylbenzidine) is added to each well. After addition of the substrate, a peroxidase catalyzed reaction will produce a blue TMB Diimine product that is proportional to the target concentration in the sample. Color development is quenched by addition of Stop Solution, or 2 N Sulfuric Acid, which turns the solution yellow. The absorbance can then be read by a spectrophotometer at 450 nm and subsequently allowing for determination of the target concentration in the sample.
Tipo di rilevamento
Human, Mouse, Rat
Intra-assay CV: < 8%, Inter-assay CV: < 10%
Store at + 4°C. Stable for 6 months.
BSAS, Homeo box A1, Homeobox 1F, Homeobox A1, Homeobox protein Hox A1, Homeobox protein Hox-1F, Homeobox protein Hox-A1, Hox 1.6 like protein, Hox 1F, HOX A1, HOX A1 homeodomain protein, HOX1, HOX1F, hoxb1b, HXA1_HUMAN, Lab like protein, MGC45232
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità
Questo prodotto è solo per uso di ricerca. Non è inteso per uso diagnostico o terapeutico.

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