Anti-GLG1 Anticorpo [GLG1/970] (CF® 700) (A251195)

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Anti-GLG1 Anticorpo [GLG1/970] (CF® 700) (A251195) è stato interrotto e non è più disponibile.

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Anti-GLG1 Antibody [GLG1/970] (CF® 700)
Mouse monoclonal [GLG1/970] antibody to GLG1 (CF® 700).
This antibody recognizes a protein of 134kDa, which binds fibroblast growth factor and E-selectin (cell-adhesion lectin on endothelial cells mediating the binding of neutrophils). Fucosylation is essential for binding to E-selectin. It contains sialic acid residues and 16 Cys-rich GLG1 repeats. Highest levels are expressed in pancreas, skeletal muscle, placenta, heart, testis and ovary. It is also found in the kidney, liver, lung and brain. It is expressed in both adult and fetal tissues. This antibody can be used to stain the Golgi complex in cell or tissue preparations and can be used as a Golgi marker in subcellular fractions. It produces a diffuse staining pattern of the Golgi zone in normal and malignant cells. This antibody is an excellent marker for human cells in xenographic model research. It reacts specifically with human cells. The Golgi apparatus is an organelle present in all eukaryotic cells that forms a part of the endomembrane system. The primary function of the Golgi apparatus is to process and package macromolecules synthesized by the cell for exocytosis or use within the cell. The Golgi is made up of a stack of flattened, membrane-bound sacs known as cisternae, with three functional regions: the cis face, medial region and trans face. Each region consists of various enzymes that selectively modify the macromolecules passing though them, depending on where they are destined to reside. Several spherical vesicles that have budded off of the Golgi are present surrounding the main cisternae. The Golgi tends to be more pronounced and numerous in cells that make and secrete many substances such as plasma B cells.
Flow Cytometry, IF
Diluizioni consigliate
Flow Cytometry: 5-10 µl / million cells, IF: 1:50-1:100
Reattività incrociata
This antibody does not cross react with Mouse or Rat.
Golgi fraction from human liver cells.
Specie ospite
Clona ID
Catene leggere

CF® 700

Excitation: 695nm, Emission: 720nm

Protein A/G chromatography.
100 µg/ml
Peso molecolare
134 kDa
Forma del prodotto
Supplied in 10mM Phosphate Buffered Saline with 0.05% BSA and 0.05% Sodium Azide.
Store at 4-8°C. Antibody is stable for 24 months.
AI593353, AW537898, CFR 1, CFR-1, CFR1, Cys -rich FGF Receptor, Cysteine rich fibroblast growth factor receptor, Cysteine-rich fibroblast growth factor receptor, DKFZp686L08213, E selectin ligand 1, E-selectin ligand 1, ESL 1, ESL-1, ESL1, FLJ23319, FLJ23967, FLJ32797, Golgi apparatus protein 1, Golgi Complex, golgi glycoprotein 1, Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG 160, Golgi sialoglycoprotein MG-160, GSLG1_HUMAN, MG 160, MG160, Mouse, homolog of, ESL1, Selel, Slectin, endothelial cell, ligand
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità
Questo prodotto è solo per uso di ricerca. Non è inteso per uso diagnostico o terapeutico.
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