DsGreen for Real-Time PCR (A270197)

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5-8 Giorni lavorativi
+1 (314) 370-6046
Lun - Ven, 8:00 - 16:00 AST
dsGreen for Real-Time PCR
dsGreen, an analog of SYBR® Green I, is a very sensitive dsDNA detection dye. High sensitivity, and high selectivity for dsDNA allows the use of dsGreen as a universal dsDNA detection reagent for qPCR. No need to use labeled probes to detect amplification with dsGreen - unlabeled primers are sufficient. Unlike other preparations of dsGreen for gel staining purposes, this formulation is specially designed to be used in real-time PCR experiments. Specific features are:. Concentration of the dye is optimized for qPCR and carefully adjusted for reproducible results from lot to lot. PCR tested preparation - quality guaranteed. Low fluorescence background - high fluorescence intensity gain.
Assorbimento massimo
454 nm
Coefficiente di estinzione
73000 M-1cm-1
Massimi di emissione
524 nm
Resa quantistica di fluorescenza
95% (by 1H NMR, HPLC-MS, and PCR testing).
Forma del prodotto
Light orange solution.
Shipped at room temperature. Upon delivery, store in the dark at -20°C. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità
Questo prodotto è solo per uso di ricerca. Non è inteso per uso diagnostico o terapeutico.
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