Anticorps Syk

34 produits

Syk est un gène codé par le symbole SYK. Il est également connu sous le nom de: Tyrosine-protein kinase Spleen tyrosine kinase; p72-SYK. Syk a une masse de 72.07kDa et une longueur d'acide aminé de 635.

Nous proposons 34 des anticorps contre Syk, élevé dans Lapin, Souris et Chèvre, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF et IP avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris, Rat et Singe.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Non-receptor tyrosine kinase which mediates signal transduction downstream of a variety of transmembrane receptors including classical immunoreceptors like the B-cell receptor (BCR). Regulates several biological processes including innate and adaptive immunity, cell adhesion, osteoclast maturation, platelet activation and vascular development. Assembles into signaling complexes with activated receptors at the plasma membrane via interaction between its SH2 domains and the receptor tyrosine-phosphorylated ITAM domains. The association with the receptor can also be indirect and mediated by adapter proteins containing ITAM or partial hemITAM domains. The phosphorylation of the ITAM domains is generally mediated by SRC subfamily kinases upon engagement of the receptor. More rarely signal transduction via SYK could be ITAM-independent. Direct downstream effectors phosphorylated by SYK include VAV1, PLCG1, PI-3-kinase, LCP2 and BLNK. Initially identified as essential in B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling, it is necessary for the maturation of B-cells most probably at the pro-B to pre-B transition. Activated upon BCR engagement, it phosphorylates and activates BLNK an adapter linking the activated BCR to downstream signaling adapters and effectors. It also phosphorylates and activates PLCG1 and the PKC signaling pathway. It also phosphorylates BTK and regulates its activity in B-cell antigen receptor (BCR)-coupled signaling. In addition to its function downstream of BCR plays also a role in T-cell receptor signaling. Plays also a crucial role in the innate immune response to fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens. It is for instance activated by the membrane lectin CLEC7A. Upon stimulation by fungal proteins, CLEC7A together with SYK activates immune cells inducing the production of ROS. Also activates the inflammasome and NF-kappa-B-mediated transcription of chemokines and cytokines in presence of pathogens. Regulates neutrophil degranulation and phagocytosis through activation of the MAPK signaling cascade (By similarity). Required for the stimulation of neutrophil phagocytosis by IL15 (PubMed:15123770). Also mediates the activation of dendritic cells by cell necrosis stimuli. Also involved in mast cells activation. Involved in interleukin-3/IL3-mediated signaling pathway in basophils (By similarity). Also functions downstream of receptors mediating cell adhesion. Relays for instance, integrin-mediated neutrophils and macrophages activation and P-selectin receptor/SELPG-mediated recruitment of leukocytes to inflammatory loci. Plays also a role in non-immune processes. It is for instance involved in vascular development where it may regulate blood and lymphatic vascular separation. It is also required for osteoclast development and function. Functions in the activation of platelets by collagen, mediating PLCG2 phosphorylation and activation. May be coupled to the collagen receptor by the ITAM domain-containing FCER1G. Also activated by the membrane lectin CLEC1B that is required for activation of platelets by PDPN/podoplanin. Involved in platelet adhesion being activated by ITGB3 engaged by fibrinogen. Together with CEACAM20, enhances production of the cytokine CXCL8/IL-8 via the NFKB pathway and may thus have a role in the intestinal immune response (By similarity).
Résumé Entrez
This gene encodes a member of the family of non-receptor type Tyr protein kinases. This protein is widely expressed in hematopoietic cells and is involved in coupling activated immunoreceptors to downstream signaling events that mediate diverse cellular responses, including proliferation, differentiation, and phagocytosis. It is thought to be a modulator of epithelial cell growth and a potential tumour suppressor in human breast carcinomas. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene.
Spécificité tissulaire
Widely expressed in hematopoietic cells (at protein level) (PubMed:8163536). Expressed in neutrophils (at protein level) (PubMed:15123770). Within the B-cell compartment, expressed from pro- and pre-B cells to plasma cells (PubMed:8163536).
Similitudes de séquence
Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. SYK/ZAP-70 subfamily.
Modification post-traductionnelle
Ubiquitinated by CBLB after BCR activation; which promotes proteasomal degradation.
Localisation cellulaire
Cell membrane. Cytoplasm > Cytosol.
Immunocytochemistry - Anti-SYK Antibody [SYK-01] (A85858) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-SYK (phospho Tyr348) Antibody (A0091) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-SYK (phospho Tyr525) Antibody (A0092) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Immunofluorescence - Anti-SYK (phospho Tyr323) Antibody (A0580) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-SYK Antibody (B0091) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-SYK Antibody (B0092) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-Syk Antibody (A13889) -
Immunofluorescence - Anti-SYK Antibody (B0580) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-Syk (phospho Tyr323) Antibody (A10913) -
Western Blot - Anti-Syk (phospho Tyr525 + Tyr526) Antibody (A11020) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western Blot - Anti-SYK Antibody (A83340) -
Western Blot - Anti-SYK Antibody (C0332) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Anti-Syk Antibody from FabGennix (SYK-101AP) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western blot - Syk (Phospho-Tyr348) Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12293) -
(2) Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western blot - syk (phospho-Tyr323) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11546) -
Western blot - Syk (Phospho-Tyr525) Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12294) -
Anti-Syk (phospho-Y525) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4189) -
Western blot - syk (Ab-323) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (21546) -
Anti-Syk (L519) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1344) -
Anti-Syk (phospho-Y348) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4188) -
Anti-Syk (P342) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1428) -
Anti-Syk Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS6742) -
Anti-Syk (phospho-Y323) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4878) -
Western blot - Syk Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41469) -
Anti-Syk (P342) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (AP0375) -
Western blot - SYK antibody from Signalway Antibody (38370) -
Anti-Syk (F169) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1343) -
Western blot - SYK (Phospho-Tyr352) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11827) -
Western blot - Syk Antibody from Signalway Antibody (33491) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less

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