Anticorps Somatostatin

6 produits

Somatostatin est un gène codé par le symbole SST. Il est également connu sous le nom de: Growth hormone release-inhibiting factor; SST. Somatostatin a une masse de 12.74kDa et une longueur d'acide aminé de 116.

Nous proposons 6 des anticorps contre Somatostatin, élevé dans Lapin, Chèvre et Rat, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA et ICC/IF avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris, Rat, Porcin, Cochon d'Inde et Poisson Zèbre.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Inhibits the secretion of pituitary hormones, including that of growth hormone/somatotropin (GH1), PRL, ACTH, luteinizing hormone (LH) and TSH. Also impairs ghrelin- and GnRH-stimulated secretion of GH1 and LH; the inhibition of ghrelin-stimulated secretion of GH1 can be further increased by neuronostatin.
Résumé Entrez
The hormone somatostatin has active 14 aa and 28 aa forms that are produced by alternate cleavage of the single preproprotein encoded by this gene. Somatostatin is expressed throughout the body and inhibits the release of numerous secondary hormones by binding to high-affinity G-protein-coupled somatostatin receptors. This hormone is an important regulator of the endocrine system through its interactions with pituitary growth hormone, thyroid stimulating hormone, and most hormones of the gastrointestinal tract. Somatostatin also affects rates of neurotransmission in the central nervous system and proliferation of both normal and tumorigenic cells.
Similitudes de séquence
Belongs to the somatostatin family.
Modification post-traductionnelle
C-terminal amidation of the neuronostatin peptide is required for its biological activity, including for the regulation of mean arterial pressure.
Localisation cellulaire
Secreted. Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western Blot - Anti-Somatostatin Antibody (A16303) -
Immunofluorescence - Anti-Somatostatin Antibody (A286084) -
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Somatostatin Antibody [ARC50670] (A308885) -
(4) Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Voir le roduitAnticorps Recombinant Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Voir le roduitAnticorps Recombinant

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