Anticorps Pin1

19 produits

Pin1 est un gène codé par le symbole PIN1. Communément appelé aussi: Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase NIMA-interacting 1; Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase PPIase Rotamase PIN1. Pin1 a une masse de 18.24kDa et une longueur d'acide aminé de 163.

Nous proposons 19 des anticorps contre Pin1, élevé dans Lapin, Souris et Chèvre, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA et ICC/IF avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris, Rat et Singe.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase (PPIase) that binds to and isomerizes specific phosphorylated Ser/Thr-Pro (pSer/Thr-Pro) motifs. By inducing conformational changes in a subset of phosphorylated proteins, acts as a molecular switch in multiple cellular processes (PubMed:21497122, PubMed:22033920, Ref. 21). Displays a preference for acidic residues located N-terminally to the proline bond to be isomerized. Regulates mitosis presumably by interacting with NIMA and attenuating its mitosis-promoting activity. Down-regulates kinase activity of BTK (PubMed:16644721). Can transactivate multiple oncogenes and induce centrosome amplification, chromosome instability and cell transformation. Required for the efficient dephosphorylation and recycling of RAF1 after mitogen activation (PubMed:15664191). Binds and targets PML and BCL6 for degradation in a phosphorylation-dependent manner (PubMed:17828269). Acts as a regulator of JNK cascade by binding to phosphorylated FBXW7, disrupting FBXW7 dimerization and promoting FBXW7 autoubiquitination and degradation: degradation of FBXW7 leads to subsequent stabilization of JUN (PubMed:22608923). May facilitate the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of RBBP8/CtIP through CUL3/KLHL15 E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex, hence favors DNA double-strand repair through error-prone non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) over error-free, RBBP8-mediated homologous recombination (HR) (PubMed:23623683, PubMed:27561354).
Résumé Entrez
Peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIases) catalyze the cis/trans isomerization of peptidyl-prolyl peptide bonds. This gene encodes one of the PPIases, which specifically binds to phosphorylated ser/thr-pro motifs to catalytically regulate the post-phosphorylation conformation of its substrates. The conformational regulation catalyzed by this PPIase has a profound impact on key proteins involved in the regulation of cell growth, genotoxic and other stress responses, the immune response, induction and maintenance of pluripotency, germ cell development, neuronal differentiation, and survival. This enzyme also plays a key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and many cancers. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found for this gene.
Spécificité tissulaire
The phosphorylated form at Ser-71 is expressed in normal breast tissue cells but not in breast cancer cells.
Modification post-traductionnelle
Phosphorylation at Ser-71 by DAPK1 results in inhibition of its catalytic activity, nuclear localization, and its ability to induce centrosome amplification, chromosome instability and cell transformation.
Localisation cellulaire
Nucleus. Nucleus speckle. Cytoplasm.

Colocalizes with NEK6 in the nucleus (PubMed:16476580). Mainly localized in the nucleus but phosphorylation at Ser-71 by DAPK1 results in inhibition of its nuclear localization (PubMed:21497122).
ELISA - Anti-Pin1 (phospho Ser16) Antibody (P12-1164) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Pin1 (phospho Ser16) Antibody (A0713) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-Pin1 Antibody [ARC57311] (A306840) -
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Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-Pin1 Antibody (A13874) -
Western Blot - Anti-Pin1 Antibody (A88542) -
Western Blot - Anti-PIN1 Antibody (A84260) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 5µg
Western blot - PIN1 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (32599) -
Anti-PIN1 Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS6692) -
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Anti-PIN1 (phospho-S16) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4860) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less Image Placeholder - Discover more for less Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western blot - Pin1 (Phospho-Ser16) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11960) - Image Placeholder - Discover more for less

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