Anticorps Nucleoporin p62

6 produits

Nucleoporin p62 est un gène codé par le symbole NUP62. Communément appelé aussi: Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62; 62 kDa nucleoporin; Nucleoporin Nup62; NUP62. Nucleoporin p62 a une masse de 53.26kDa, une longueur d'acide aminé de 522, et est impliqué dans Infantile striatonigral degeneration.

Nous proposons 6 des anticorps contre Nucleoporin p62, élevé dans Lapin, Chèvre et Rat, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, Cytométrie en Flux et IP avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris, Rat et Singe.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Essential component of the nuclear pore complex (PubMed:1915414). The N-terminal is probably involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport (PubMed:1915414). The C-terminal is involved in protein-protein interaction probably via coiled-coil formation, promotes its association with centrosomes and may function in anchorage of p62 to the pore complex (PubMed:1915414, PubMed:24107630). Plays a role in mitotic cell cycle progression by regulating centrosome segregation, centriole maturation and spindle orientation (PubMed:24107630). It might be involved in protein recruitment to the centrosome after nuclear breakdown (PubMed:24107630).
Résumé Entrez
The nuclear pore complex is a massive structure that extends across the nuclear envelope, forming a gateway that regulates the flow of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nucleoporins are the main components of the nuclear pore complex in eukaryotic cells. The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the FG-repeat containing nucleoporins and is localized to the nuclear pore central plug. This protein associates with the importin alpha/beta complex which is involved in the import of proteins containing nuclear localization signals. Multiple transcript variants of this gene encode a single protein isoform.
Implication dans la maladie
Infantile striatonigral degeneration: Neurological disorder characterized by symmetrical degeneration of the caudate nucleus, putamen, and occasionally the globus pallidus, with little involvement of the rest of the brain. The clinical features include developmental regression, choreoathetosis, dystonia, spasticity, dysphagia, failure to thrive, nystagmus, optic atrophy, and mental retardation.
Similitudes de séquence
Belongs to the nucleoporin NSP1/NUP62 family.
Modification post-traductionnelle
O-glycosylated. Contains about 10 N-acetylglucosamine side chain sites predicted for the entire protein, among which only one in the C-terminal.
Localisation cellulaire
Nucleus > Nuclear pore complex. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton > Spindle pole. Nucleus envelope. Cytoplasm > Cytoskeleton > Microtubule organizing center > Centrosome.

Central region of the nuclear pore, within the transporter (PubMed:1915414). During mitotic cell division, it associates with the poles of the mitotic spindle (PubMed:24107630). Image Placeholder - Discover more for less
Western blot - NUP62 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (32676) -
Detection of Nup62 in membrane fraction of HeLa cells by Western blotting with the antibody 2A.
nucleoporin p62 antibody from Signalway Antibody (22064) -
Anti-NUP62 Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS7360) -
nucleoporin p62 antibody from Signalway Antibody (22099) -

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