Anticorps NFATC4

11 produits

NFATC4 est un gène codé par le symbole NFATC4. Communément appelé aussi: Nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 4; NF-ATc4; T-cell transcription factor NFAT3; NF-AT3; NFAT3. NFATC4 a une masse de 95.45kDa et une longueur d'acide aminé de 902.

Nous proposons 11 des anticorps contre NFATC4, élevé dans Lapin et Chèvre, qui sont appropriés pour le WB, IHC, ELISA et ICC/IF avec des échantillons dérivés de Humain, Souris et Rat.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
Ca(2+)-regulated transcription factor that is involved in several processes, including the development and function of the immune, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems (PubMed:7749981, PubMed:11514544, PubMed:11997522, PubMed:17875713, PubMed:17213202, PubMed:18668201, PubMed:25663301). Involved in T-cell activation, stimulating the transcription of cytokine genes, including that of IL2 and IL4 (PubMed:7749981, PubMed:18668201, PubMed:18347059). Along with NFATC3, involved in embryonic heart development. Involved in mitochondrial energy metabolism required for cardiac morphogenesis and function (By similarity). Transactivates many genes involved in the cardiovascular system, including AGTR2, NPPB/BNP (in synergy with GATA4), NPPA/ANP/ANF and MYH7/beta-MHC (By similarity). Involved in the regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Involved in BDNF-driven pro-survival signaling in hippocampal adult-born neurons. Involved in the formation of long-term spatial memory and long-term potentiation (By similarity). In cochlear nucleus neurons, may play a role in deafferentation-induced apoptosis during the developmental critical period, when auditory neurons depend on afferent input for survival (By similarity). Binds to and activates the BACE1/Beta-secretase 1 promoter, hence may regulate the proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) (PubMed:25663301). Plays a role in adipocyte differentiation (PubMed:11997522). May be involved in myoblast differentiation into myotubes (PubMed:17213202). Binds the consensus DNA sequence 5'-GGAAAAT-3' (Probable). In the presence of CREBBP, activates TNF transcription (PubMed:11514544). Binds to PPARG gene promoter and regulates its activity (PubMed:11997522). Binds to PPARG and REG3G gene promoters (By similarity).
Résumé Entrez
This gene encodes a member of the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) protein family. The encoded protein is part of a DNA-binding transcription complex. This complex consists of at least two components: a preexisting cytosolic component that translocates to the nucleus upon T cell receptor stimulation and an inducible nuclear component. NFAT proteins are activated by the calmodulin-dependent phosphatase, calcineurin. The encoded protein plays a role in the inducible expression of cytokine genes in T cells, especially in the induction of interleukin-2 and interleukin-4. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.
Spécificité tissulaire
Widely expressed, with high levels in placenta, lung, kidney, testis and ovary (PubMed:18675896). Weakly expressed in spleen and thymus (PubMed:18675896). In the hippocampus, expressed in the granular layer of the dentate gyrus, in the pyramidal neurons of CA3 region, and in the hippocampal fissure (PubMed:18675896). Expressed in the heart (at protein level) (PubMed:12370307).
Modification post-traductionnelle
Phosphorylated by NFATC-kinases; dephosphorylated by calcineurin/PPP3CA. Phosphorylated on Ser-168 and Ser-170 by MTOR, IRAK1, MAPK7/ERK5 and MAPK14/p38, on Ser-213 and Ser-217 by MAPK8/JNK1 and MAPK9/JNK2, and on Ser-289 and Ser-344 by RPS6KA3 (PubMed:11997522, PubMed:17875713, PubMed:17213202, PubMed:18347059). Phosphorylated by GSK3B (PubMed:18347059). Phosphorylation by GSK3B markedly increases NFATC4 ubiquitination (By similarity). Phosphorylation at Ser-168 and Ser-170 is stimulated by UV irradiation (PubMed:18347059). Phosphorylation determines subcellular location: the hyperphosphorylated protein is cytosolic, while the dephosphorylated form is targeted to the nucleus.
Localisation cellulaire
Cytoplasm > Cytosol. Nucleus.

When hyperphosphorylated, localizes in the cytosol. When intracellular Ca(2+) levels increase, dephosphorylation by calcineurin/PPP3CA leads to translocation into the nucleus (PubMed:11997522, PubMed:18347059). MAPK7/ERK5 and MTOR regulate NFATC4 nuclear export through phosphorylation at Ser-168 and Ser-170 (PubMed:18347059).
Liens de base de données
Western Blot - Anti-NFAT3 Antibody (B0521) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
ELISA - Anti-NFAT3 (phospho Ser676) Antibody (P12-1153) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-NFAT3 (phospho Ser168+Ser170) Antibody (A8385) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-NFAT3 Antibody (B8385) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-NFATC4 Antibody (A83215) -
Western Blot - Anti-NFAT3 (phospho Ser676) Antibody (A0521) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-NFAT3 Antibody (R12-3090) -
Voir le roduitTaille d'Essai de 10µg
Western Blot - Anti-NFATC4 Antibody (A308318) -
Anti-NFATc4 (N670) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1762) -
Western blot - NFATc4 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41221) -
NFATC4 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (31275) -

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