Essais Cystatin C

16 produits

Cystatin C est un gène codé par le symbole CST3. D'autres noms incluent: Cystatin-C; Cystatin-3; Gamma-trace; Neuroendocrine basic polypeptide; Post-gamma-globulin; CST3. Cystatin C a une masse de 15.8kDa, une longueur d'acide aminé de 146, et est impliqué dans les maladies: Amyloidosis 6; Macular degeneration, age-related, 11.

Nous proposons 16 Cystatin C kits ELISA pour la détection qualitative ou quantitative de Cystatin C à partir d'échantillons Humain, Souris, Rat, Porcin et Singe.

Informations sur les Gènes et les Protéines

Résumé UniProt
As an inhibitor of cysteine proteinases, this protein is thought to serve an important physiological role as a local regulator of this enzyme activity.
Résumé Entrez
The cystatin superfamily encompasses proteins that contain multiple cystatin-like sequences. Some of the members are active cysteine protease inhibitors, while others have lost or perhaps never acquired this inhibitory activity. There are three inhibitory families in the superfamily, including the type 1 cystatins (stefins), type 2 cystatins and the kininogens. The type 2 cystatin proteins are a class of cysteine proteinase inhibitors found in a variety of human fluids and secretions, where they appear to provide protective functions. The cystatin locus on chromosome 20 contains the majority of the type 2 cystatin genes and pseudogenes. This gene is located in the cystatin locus and encodes the most abundant extracellular inhibitor of cysteine proteases, which is found in high concentrations in biological fluids and is expressed in virtually all organs of the body. A mutation in this gene has been associated with amyloid angiopathy. Expression of this protein in vascular wall smooth muscle cells is severely reduced in both atherosclerotic and aneurysmal aortic lesions, establishing its role in vascular disease. In addition, this protein has been shown to have an antimicrobial function, inhibiting the replication of herpes simplex virus. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants encoding a single protein.
Spécificité tissulaire
Expressed in submandibular and sublingual saliva but not in parotid saliva (at protein level). Expressed in various body fluids, such as the cerebrospinal fluid and plasma. Expressed in highest levels in the epididymis, vas deferens, brain, thymus, and ovary and the lowest in the submandibular gland.
Implication dans la maladie
Amyloidosis 6: A hereditary generalized amyloidosis due to cystatin C amyloid deposition. Cystatin C amyloid accumulates in the walls of arteries, arterioles, and sometimes capillaries and veins of the brain, and in various organs including lymphoid tissue, spleen, salivary glands, and seminal vesicles. Amyloid deposition in the cerebral vessels results in cerebral amyloid angiopathy, cerebral hemorrhage and premature stroke. Cystatin C levels in the cerebrospinal fluid are abnormally low.

Macular degeneration, age-related, 11: A form of age-related macular degeneration, a multifactorial eye disease and the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in the developed world. In most patients, the disease is manifest as ophthalmoscopically visible yellowish accumulations of protein and lipid that lie beneath the retinal pigment epithelium and within an elastin-containing structure known as Bruch membrane.
Similitudes de séquence
Belongs to the cystatin family.
Modification post-traductionnelle
The Thr-25 variant is O-glycosylated with a core 1 or possibly core 8 glycan. The signal peptide of the O-glycosylated Thr-25 variant is cleaved between Ala-20 and Val-21.
Localisation cellulaire
Liens de base de données
Standard Curve - Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A76420) -
Standard Curve - Rat Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A77962) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A1859) -
Standard Curve - Rat Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A303799) -
Standard Curve - Porcine Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A3172) -
Standard Curve - Porcine Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A74379) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A77961) -
Standard Curve - Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A1861) -
Standard Curve - Monkey Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A74378) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A313507) -
Voir le roduitELISA de 90 minutes
Standard Curve - Rat Cystatin C ELISA Kit (A1860) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (OK-0325) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (Lum-8325) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (EK1114) -
Standard Curve - Human Cystatin C ELISA Kit (BEK1039) -
Standard Curve - Mouse Cystatin C ELISA Kit (BEK1040) -

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