Humain Granzyme A Kit Elisa (A1439)

Frais de livraison
Date de livraison
Livraison sous 3-5 jours ouvrables.
+1 (314) 370-6046
Lun - Ven, 8h - 16h AST
Nom du produit
Human Granzyme A ELISA Kit
Type de test
Sandwich (quantitative)
Principe du test
Human Granzyme A ELISA Kit is based on the quantitative sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique to measure concentration of human Granzyme A in the samples. A monoclonal antibody specific for human Granzyme A has been immobilized onto microwells. Standard or samples are pipetted into the wells, followed by the addition of biotin-linked monoclonal antibody specific for Granzyme A, and Granzyme A present is bound by the immobilized antibody and detect antibody following the first incubation. After removal of any unbound substances, streptavidin-HRP is added for a second incubation. After washing, substrate solution reacts with HRP and color develops in proportion to the amount of Granzyme A bound by the immobilized antibody. The color development is stopped by addition of acid and the optical density value is measured by microplate reader.
Méthode de détection
Type d'échantillon
Cell culture supernatant, serum and plasma.
0.31 pg/ml
Gamme de detection
15.63 - 1000 pg/ml
112% (Average Recovery from Serum Samples).
This kit can assay both natural and recombinant human Granzyme A.
Réactivité croisée
This assay has shown no significant cross-reactivity.
Intra-assay CV: < 8%, Inter-assay CV: < 10%
Store at 2 - 8°C.
CTL tryptase, CTLA3, Cytolytic t cell and natural killer cell specific trypsin like serine protease, Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated serine esterase 3, Cytotoxic T lymphocyte proteinase 1, Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte proteinase 1, Fragmentin 1, Fragmentin-1, GRAA_HUMAN, Granzyme 1 cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated serine esterase 3, Granzyme A (Cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated serine esterase 3; Hanukah factor serine protease), Granzyme A (granzyme 1, cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated serine esterase 3), Granzyme A precursor, Granzyme-1, GZMA, H factor, Hanukah factor serine protease, Hanukkah factor, HF, HFSP, TSP1
Ce produit est uniquement destiné à la recherche. Il n'est pas destiné à un usage diagnostique ou thérapeutique.

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