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Anti-JAK2 Antikörper

36 Products

JAK2 ist ein Gen, das durch das Symbol JAK2 kodiert wird. Im Allgemeinen auch bezeichnet als: Tyrosine-protein kinase Janus kinase 2; JAK-2. JAK2 hat eine Masse von 130.67kDa, eine Aminosäurelänge von 1132, und ist an folgenden Krankheiten beteiligt: Budd-Chiari syndrome; Polycythemia vera; Thrombocythemia 3; Myelofibrosis; Leukemia, acute myelogenous.

Wir bieten 36 antikörper gegen JAK2, aufgewachsen in Kaninchen und Maus, welche geeignet sind für WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, FC and IP mit Proben abgeleitet von Human, Maus und Ratte.

Gen- und Proteininformationen

UniProt Zusammenfassung
Non-receptor tyrosine kinase involved in various processes such as cell growth, development, differentiation or histone modifications. Mediates essential signaling events in both innate and adaptive immunity. In the cytoplasm, plays a pivotal role in signal transduction via its association with type I receptors such as growth hormone (GHR), prolactin (PRLR), leptin (LEPR), erythropoietin (EPOR), thrombopoietin (THPO); or type II receptors including IFN-alpha, IFN-beta, IFN-gamma and multiple interleukins (PubMed:7615558). Following ligand-binding to cell surface receptors, phosphorylates specific tyrosine residues on the cytoplasmic tails of the receptor, creating docking sites for STATs proteins (PubMed:9618263). Subsequently, phosphorylates the STATs proteins once they are recruited to the receptor. Phosphorylated STATs then form homodimer or heterodimers and translocate to the nucleus to activate gene transcription. For example, cell stimulation with erythropoietin (EPO) during erythropoiesis leads to JAK2 autophosphorylation, activation, and its association with erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) that becomes phosphorylated in its cytoplasmic domain. Then, STAT5 (STAT5A or STAT5B) is recruited, phosphorylated and activated by JAK2. Once activated, dimerized STAT5 translocates into the nucleus and promotes the transcription of several essential genes involved in the modulation of erythropoiesis. Part of a signaling cascade that is activated by increased cellular retinol and that leads to the activation of STAT5 (STAT5A or STAT5B) (PubMed:21368206). In addition, JAK2 mediates angiotensin-2-induced ARHGEF1 phosphorylation (PubMed:20098430). Plays a role in cell cycle by phosphorylating CDKN1B (PubMed:21423214). Cooperates with TEC through reciprocal phosphorylation to mediate cytokine-driven activation of FOS transcription. In the nucleus, plays a key role in chromatin by specifically mediating phosphorylation of 'Tyr-41' of histone H3 (H3Y41ph), a specific tag that promotes exclusion of CBX5 (HP1 alpha) from chromatin (PubMed:19783980).
Entrez Zusammenfassung
This gene product is a protein tyrosine kinase involved in a specific subset of cytokine receptor signaling pathways. It has been found to be constituitively associated with the prolactin receptor and is required for responses to gamma interferon. Mice that do not express an active protein for this gene exhibit embryonic lethality associated with the absence of definitive erythropoiesis.
Ubiquitously expressed throughout most tissues.
Rolle bei Krankheiten
Budd-Chiari syndrome: A syndrome caused by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow involving either the hepatic veins or the terminal segment of the inferior vena cava. Obstructions are generally caused by thrombosis and lead to hepatic congestion and ischemic necrosis. Clinical manifestations observed in the majority of patients include hepatomegaly, right upper quadrant pain and abdominal ascites. Budd-Chiari syndrome is associated with a combination of disease states including primary myeloproliferative syndromes and thrombophilia due to factor V Leiden, protein C deficiency and antithrombin III deficiency. Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare but typical complication in patients with polycythemia vera.

Polycythemia vera: A myeloproliferative disorder characterized by abnormal proliferation of all hematopoietic bone marrow elements, erythroid hyperplasia, an absolute increase in total blood volume, but also by myeloid leukocytosis, thrombocytosis and splenomegaly.

Thrombocythemia 3: A myeloproliferative disorder characterized by excessive platelet production, resulting in increased numbers of circulating platelets. It can be associated with spontaneous hemorrhages and thrombotic episodes.

Myelofibrosis: A disorder characterized by replacement of the bone marrow by fibrous tissue, occurring in association with a myeloproliferative disorder. Clinical manifestations may include anemia, pallor, splenomegaly, hypermetabolic state, petechiae, ecchymosis, bleeding, lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, portal hypertension.

Leukemia, acute myelogenous: A subtype of acute leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells. AML is a malignant disease of bone marrow characterized by maturational arrest of hematopoietic precursors at an early stage of development. Clonal expansion of myeloid blasts occurs in bone marrow, blood, and other tissue. Myelogenous leukemias develop from changes in cells that normally produce neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils and monocytes.
Belongs to the protein kinase superfamily. Tyr protein kinase family. JAK subfamily.
Posttranslationale Modifikation
Autophosphorylated, leading to regulate its activity. Leptin promotes phosphorylation on tyrosine residues, including phosphorylation on Tyr-813 (By similarity). Autophosphorylation on Tyr-119 in response to EPO down-regulates its kinase activity (By similarity). Autophosphorylation on Tyr-868, Tyr-966 and Tyr-972 in response to growth hormone (GH) are required for maximal kinase activity (By similarity). Also phosphorylated by TEC (By similarity). Phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in response to interferon gamma signaling (PubMed:7615558, PubMed:7673114). Phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in response to a signaling cascade that is activated by increased cellular retinol (PubMed:21368206).
Endomembrane system. Cytoplasm. Nucleus.
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (B7127) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (B7126) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr1007 + Tyr1008) Antibody (A11009) - Antibodies.com
Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (B0499) - Antibodies.com
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr1007) Antibody (A7126) - Antibodies.com
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ELISA - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr931) Antibody (P12-1129) - Antibodies.com
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr931) Antibody (A8118) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr570) Antibody (A0499) - Antibodies.com
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr221) Antibody (A7127) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr221) Antibody (A16606) - Antibodies.com
ELISA - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr570) Antibody (P12-1128) - Antibodies.com
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Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr119) Antibody (A8119) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (R12-2940) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 Antibody [ARC0108] (A309016) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (B8118) - Antibodies.com
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Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr1007) Antibody (A16605) - Antibodies.com
Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr1007) Antibody (A306388) - Antibodies.com
Western Blot - Anti-JAK2 (phospho Tyr1008) Antibody (A88027) - Antibodies.com
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Anti-JAK2 (phospho-Y1007) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4109) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - JAK2 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41081) - Antibodies.com
Anti-JAK2 Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS5769) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - Jak2 (Phospho-Tyr1007) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11151) - Antibodies.com
Anti-JAK2 (R564) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS2432) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - JAK2 (Ab-570) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (33137) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-JAK2 Antibody (AI80013A) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - JAK2/3 (Phospho-Tyr966/939) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12510) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - JAK2 (Phospho-Tyr221) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11150) - Antibodies.com
Anti-JAK2 (phospho-Y570) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS4610) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - JAK2 (Phospho-Tyr119) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12509) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - JAK2 Antibody from Signalway Antibody (36938) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Jak2 (Ab-570) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (21522) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Western blot - JAK2 (Phospho-Tyr931) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11932) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - JAK2 (Phospho-Tyr570) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (11663) - Antibodies.com

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