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Anti-GABA B Receptor 1 Antikörper

7 Products

GABA B Receptor 1 ist ein Gen, das durch das Symbol GABBR1 kodiert wird. Im Allgemeinen auch bezeichnet als: Gamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 1; GABA-B receptor 1; GABBR1; GPRC3A. GABA B Receptor 1 hat eine Masse von 108.32kDa und eine Aminosäurelänge von 961.

Wir bieten 7 antikörper gegen GABA B Receptor 1, aufgewachsen in Kaninchen und Maus, welche geeignet sind für WB, IHC, ELISA and ICC/IF mit Proben abgeleitet von Human, Maus, Ratte und Affe.

Gen- und Proteininformationen

UniProt Zusammenfassung
Component of a heterodimeric G-protein coupled receptor for GABA, formed by GABBR1 and GABBR2 (PubMed:9872316, PubMed:9872744, PubMed:15617512, PubMed:18165688, PubMed:22660477, PubMed:24305054). Within the heterodimeric GABA receptor, only GABBR1 seems to bind agonists, while GABBR2 mediates coupling to G proteins (PubMed:18165688). Ligand binding causes a conformation change that triggers signaling via guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) and modulates the activity of down-stream effectors, such as adenylate cyclase (PubMed:10906333, PubMed:10773016, PubMed:10075644, PubMed:9872744, PubMed:24305054). Signaling inhibits adenylate cyclase, stimulates phospholipase A2, activates potassium channels, inactivates voltage-dependent calcium-channels and modulates inositol phospholipid hydrolysis (PubMed:10075644). Calcium is required for high affinity binding to GABA (By similarity). Plays a critical role in the fine-tuning of inhibitory synaptic transmission (PubMed:9844003). Pre-synaptic GABA receptor inhibits neurotransmitter release by down-regulating high-voltage activated calcium channels, whereas postsynaptic GABA receptor decreases neuronal excitability by activating a prominent inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) conductance that underlies the late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (PubMed:9844003, PubMed:9872316, PubMed:10075644, PubMed:9872744, PubMed:22660477). Not only implicated in synaptic inhibition but also in hippocampal long-term potentiation, slow wave sleep, muscle relaxation and antinociception (Probable). Activated by (-)-baclofen, cgp27492 and blocked by phaclofen (PubMed:9844003, PubMed:9872316, PubMed:24305054).
Entrez Zusammenfassung
This gene encodes a receptor for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. This receptor functions as a heterodimer with GABA(B) receptor 2. Defects in this gene may underlie brain disorders such as schizophrenia and epilepsy. Alternative splicing generates multiple transcript variants, but the full-length nature of some of these variants has not been determined.
Highly expressed in brain (PubMed:9844003, PubMed:9753614, PubMed:9872744). Weakly expressed in heart, small intestine and uterus. Isoform 1A: Mainly expressed in granular cell and molecular layer (PubMed:9844003). Isoform 1B: Mainly expressed in Purkinje cells (PubMed:9844003). Isoform 1E: Predominantly expressed in peripheral tissues as kidney, lung, trachea, colon, small intestine, stomach, bone marrow, thymus and mammary gland (PubMed:10906333).
Belongs to the G-protein coupled receptor 3 family. GABA-B receptor subfamily.
Cell membrane. Cell junction > Synapse > Postsynaptic cell membrane. Cell projection > Dendrite.

Colocalizes with ATF4 in hippocampal neuron dendritic membranes (By similarity). Coexpression of GABBR1 and GABBR2 is required for GABBR1 maturation and transport to the plasma membrane (PubMed:15617512).
Western Blot - Anti-GABA-B Receptor Antibody (C0198) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigen10µg Versuchsgrößen
Immunocytochemistry/Immunofluorescence - Anti-GABA B Receptor 1 Antibody [S93A-49] (A304759) - Antibodies.com
Immunofluorescence - Anti-GABBR1 Antibody (G266) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigen10µg Versuchsgrößen
Western Blot - Anti-GABA B Receptor 1 Antibody (A12968) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - GABAB R1 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (40945) - Antibodies.com
Anti-GABAB R1 (I902) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS1133) - Antibodies.com
Anti-GABAB R1 (P931) Antibody from Bioworld Technology (BS2717) - Antibodies.com

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