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Anti-CD43 Antikörper

50 Products

CD43 ist ein Gen, das durch das Symbol SPN kodiert wird. Andere Namen sind: Leukosialin; GPL115; Galactoglycoprotein; GALGP; Leukocyte sialoglycoprotein; Sialophorin; SPN. CD43 hat eine Masse von 40.32kDa und eine Aminosäurelänge von 400.

Wir bieten 50 antikörper gegen CD43, aufgewachsen in Kaninchen und Maus, welche geeignet sind für WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF, FC and IP mit Proben abgeleitet von Human, Maus, Ratte, Rind und Schaf.

Gen- und Proteininformationen

UniProt Zusammenfassung
Predominant cell surface sialoprotein of leukocytes which regulates multiple T-cell functions, including T-cell activation, proliferation, differentiation, trafficking and migration. Positively regulates T-cell trafficking to lymph-nodes via its association with ERM proteins (EZR, RDX and MSN) (By similarity). Negatively regulates Th2 cell differentiation and predisposes the differentiation of T-cells towards a Th1 lineage commitment. Promotes the expression of IFN-gamma by T-cells during T-cell receptor (TCR) activation of naive cells and induces the expression of IFN-gamma by CD4(+) T-cells and to a lesser extent by CD8(+) T-cells (PubMed:18036228). Plays a role in preparing T-cells for cytokine sensing and differentiation into effector cells by inducing the expression of cytokine receptors IFNGR and IL4R, promoting IFNGR and IL4R signaling and by mediating the clustering of IFNGR with TCR (PubMed:24328034). Acts as a major E-selectin ligand responsible for Th17 cell rolling on activated vasculature and recruitment during inflammation. Mediates Th17 cells, but not Th1 cells, adhesion to E-selectin. Acts as a T-cell counter-receptor for SIGLEC1 (By similarity).
Entrez Zusammenfassung
This gene encodes a highly sialylated glycoprotein that functions in antigen-specific activation of T cells, and is found on the surface of thymocytes, T lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, and some B lymphocytes. It contains a mucin-like extracellular domain, a transmembrane region and a carboxy-terminal intracellular region. The extracellular domain has a high proportion of serine and threonine residues, allowing extensive O-glycosylation, and has one potential N-glycosylation site, while the carboxy-terminal region has potential phosphorylation sites that may mediate transduction of activation signals. Different glycoforms of this protein have been described. In stimulated immune cells, proteolytic cleavage of the extracellular domain occurs in some cell types, releasing a soluble extracellular fragment. Defects in expression of this gene are associated with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.
Cell surface of thymocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils, plasma cells and myelomas.
Posttranslationale Modifikation
Glycosylated; has a high content of sialic acid and O-linked carbohydrate structures.
Membrane. Cell projection > Microvillus. Cell projection > Uropodium.

Localizes to the uropodium and microvilli via its interaction with ERM proteins (EZR, RDX and MSN).
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [DF-T1] - BSA and Azide free (A253206) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/1094] - BSA and Azide free (A253211) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MEM-59] (A85599) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigen10µg Versuchsgrößen
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/839] - BSA and Azide free (A253208) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [DF-T1] (A250026) - Antibodies.com
Western Blot - Anti-CD43 Antibody (A9855) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/1094] (A250031) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/839] (A250028) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/2049R] (A250033) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/3388] - BSA and Azide free (A253205) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/839] (A250024) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/1766R] - BSA and Azide free (A253212) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [84-3C1] (A250029) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/2049R] - BSA and Azide free (A253213) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/1766R] (A250032) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/3388] (A250025) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [84-3C1] - BSA and Azide free (A253209) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/839] - BSA and Azide free (A253204) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/1094] (A250030) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPM503] - BSA and Azide free (A253207) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPM503] (A250027) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/1094] - BSA and Azide free (A253210) - Antibodies.com
Flow Cytometry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MEM-59] (Biotin) (A85600) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody (A250033) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody (V0027) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigen10µl Versuchsgrößen
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody - BSA and Azide free (A253213) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [Bra7G] - BSA and Azide free (A254341) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [Bra7G] (A251064) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/6562R] (A278066) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/6563] - BSA and Azide free (A278511) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Flow Cytometry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MEM-59] (FITC) (A85597) - Antibodies.com
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [SPN/6562R] - BSA and Azide free (A278654) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [rSPN/6563] (A277923) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MT1] (A320622) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Flow Cytometry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [DM211] - Azide free (A318498) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [IHC043] (A324580) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Flow Cytometry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MEM-59] (APC-Cyanine 7) (A122098) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Flow Cytometry - Anti-CD43 Antibody [MEM-59] (PE) (A85598) - Antibodies.com
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Antibodies.com Image Placeholder - Entdecken Sie mehr für weniger
Validation Data - Anti-CD43 Antibody [YN00356m] (A288710)

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