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Anti-bcl-6 Antikörper

31 Products

bcl-6 ist ein Gen, das durch das Symbol BCL6 kodiert wird. Andere Namen sind: B-cell lymphoma 6 protein; B-cell lymphoma 5 protein; BCL-5; Protein LAZ-3; Zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 27; Zinc finger protein 51; BCL6; BCL5; LAZ3; ZBTB27; ZNF51. bcl-6 hat eine Masse von 78.85kDa und eine Aminosäurelänge von 706.

Wir bieten 31 antikörper gegen bcl-6, aufgewachsen in Kaninchen und Maus, welche geeignet sind für WB, IHC, ELISA, ICC/IF and FC mit Proben abgeleitet von Human, Maus und Ratte.

Gen- und Proteininformationen

UniProt Zusammenfassung
Transcriptional repressor mainly required for germinal center (GC) formation and antibody affinity maturation which has different mechanisms of action specific to the lineage and biological functions. Forms complexes with different corepressors and histone deacetylases to repress the transcriptional expression of different subsets of target genes. Represses its target genes by binding directly to the DNA sequence 5'-TTCCTAGAA-3' (BCL6-binding site) or indirectly by repressing the transcriptional activity of transcription factors. In GC B-cells, represses genes that function in differentiation, inflammation, apoptosis and cell cycle control, also autoregulates its transcriptional expression and up-regulates, indirectly, the expression of some genes important for GC reactions, such as AICDA, through the repression of microRNAs expression, like miR155. An important function is to allow GC B-cells to proliferate very rapidly in response to T-cell dependent antigens and tolerate the physiological DNA breaks required for immunglobulin class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation without inducing a p53/TP53-dependent apoptotic response. In follicular helper CD4(+) T-cells (T(FH) cells), promotes the expression of T(FH)-related genes but inhibits the differentiation of T(H)1, T(H)2 and T(H)17 cells. Also required for the establishment and maintenance of immunological memory for both T- and B-cells. Suppresses macrophage proliferation through competition with STAT5 for STAT-binding motifs binding on certain target genes, such as CCL2 and CCND2. In response to genotoxic stress, controls cell cycle arrest in GC B-cells in both p53/TP53-dependedent and -independent manners. Besides, also controls neurogenesis through the alteration of the composition of NOTCH-dependent transcriptional complexes at selective NOTCH targets, such as HES5, including the recruitment of the deacetylase SIRT1 and resulting in an epigenetic silencing leading to neuronal differentiation.
Entrez Zusammenfassung
The protein encoded by this gene is a zinc finger transcription factor and contains an N-terminal POZ domain. This protein acts as a sequence-specific repressor of transcription, and has been shown to modulate the transcription of STAT-dependent IL-4 responses of B cells. This protein can interact with a variety of POZ-containing proteins that function as transcription corepressors. This gene is found to be frequently translocated and hypermutated in diffuse large-cell lymphoma (DLCL), and may be involved in the pathogenesis of DLCL. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different protein isoforms have been found for this gene.
Expressed in germinal center T- and B-cells and in primary immature dendritic cells.
Posttranslationale Modifikation
Phosphorylated by MAPK1 in response to antigen receptor activation at Ser-333 and Ser-343. Phosphorylated by ATM in response to genotoxic stress. Phosphorylation induces its degradation by ubiquitin/proteasome pathway.
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1527] (A249906) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Flow Cytometry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [PCRP-BCL6-1D3] - BSA and Azide free (A278363) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Flow Cytometry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [PCRP-BCL6-1D3] (A277775) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1527] - BSA and Azide free (A253086) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [SPM602] - BSA and Azide free (A253082) - Antibodies.com
Flow Cytometry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [PCRP-BCL6-1E2] (A277776) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1982] (A249900) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [SPM602] (A249902) - Antibodies.com
Flow Cytometry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [PCRP-BCL6-1E2] - BSA and Azide free (A278364) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1982] - BSA and Azide free (A253080) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1951R] (A249908) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer AntikörperRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1526] (A249905) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1527] - BSA and Azide free (A253079) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer AntikörperRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1718] - BSA and Azide free (A253087) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Western Blot - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1475] - BSA and Azide free (A253084) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1527] (A249899) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer AntikörperRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1718] (A249907) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Western Blot - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1475] (A249904) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1951R] - BSA and Azide free (A253088) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer AntikörperRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/1526] - BSA and Azide free (A253085) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenMonospezifischer Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/2497R] - BSA and Azide free (A253088) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1718] - BSA and Azide free (A253080) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [BCL6/2497R] (A249908) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Immunohistochemistry - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1718] (A249900) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1475] (A249901) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
SDS-PAGE - Anti-Bcl-6 Antibody [rBCL6/1475] - BSA and Azide free (A253081) - Antibodies.com
Produkt anzeigenRekombinant Antikörper
Western blot - Bcl-6 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (40640) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - Bcl-6 Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (41713) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - Bcl-6 (Phospho-Ser333) Polyclonal Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12261) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - Bcl-6 (Phospho-Ser343) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (12576) - Antibodies.com
Western blot - Bcl-6 (Ab-333) Antibody from Signalway Antibody (33276) - Antibodies.com

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