Immunofluorescent analysis of rat hippocampus section stained with Anti-FOX3 Antibody (1:5,000 | red), and co-stained with Anti-IBA1 Antibody (1:2,000 | green). Following transcardial perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde, rat brain was post fixed for 24 hours, cut to 35µM, and free-floating sections were stained with the above antibodies. The Anti-FOX3 Antibody stains the nuclei and distal perikarya of most neurons, while the Anti-IBA1 Antibody specifically labels microglial cells.
Figure 2: Western Blot - Anti-FOX3 Antibody (A104330)
Western blot analysis of mouse brain nuclear fraction lysate using Anti-FOX3 Antibody (1:1,000 | green). Lane 1 represents protein standard in red. Two bands at 46 and 50kDa mark correspond to the two isoforms of the FOX3/NeuN protein.
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