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Corporate COVID-19 Testing Kits

We sell a range of business testing solutions for COVID-19, which enable rapid testing for the SARS-CoV-2 virus or the immune responses against it, with results in 15 minutes or less.

These rapid lateral flow tests enable you to be proactive and preventative in controlling the spread of COVID-19. The kits contain all the components you will need to test for current COVID-19 infections, late-stage or recent infections, and estimate COVID-19 immunity following infection or vaccination, all without laboratory testing. Our tests are licenced for sale to businesses only, and are intended for use under medical professional supervision.

For more easy to understand background information about COVID-19, how all of these different tests work, and their uses and advantages, please read our COVID-19 info and FAQ page, here.

Why is COVID-19 testing important for your business?

Guards Employee Health

COVID Secures Workplaces

Minimises Isolation

Enables Contact Tracing

As the world returns to the workplace, ongoing testing will be a vital part of creating COVID-secure environments that protect your team. A percentage of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 infections are asymptomatic (with no visible signs that they have COVID-19), whilst others with mild symptoms may mistake it for the flu or a cold, so self-reporting cannot be relied upon. With regular testing you can identify cases before they enter the workplace, preventing outbreaks and minimising isolation periods within your workforce. In the event of a wave of coronavirus cases, regular testing and contact tracing can help identify the point of entry into your company, so you can increase your protection where it is needed most.

Corporate testing should form one of the pillars of a COVID-19 adapted workplace, along with organised social distancing, use of PPE, regular workplace cleaning, and managed self-isolation.

COVID-19 Test Kits

For Current Infections

Antigen tests detect the characteristic proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so a positive result indicates a current COVID-19 infection.

Our Combo Rapid test detects COVID-19, but also detects the Influenza A and B viruses. These cause "the flu", and because the symptoms can be very similar to COVID-19, the two diseases can easily be mistaken. The SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza Antigen Combo Rapid Test Kit is an all-in-one tool to help diagnose both diseases.

SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) - A254381 - Antibodies.com
Viral antigen rapid test kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in human oropharyngeal, nasal, and nasopharyngeal swabs. The test is a lateral flow assay with a colloidal gold reporter, giving results in ten minutes.
SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza Antigen Combo Rapid Test Kit - A254397 - Antibodies.com
Viral antigen rapid test kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza A and B virus antigens, in human oropharyngeal, nasal, and nasopharyngeal swabs. The test is a lateral flow assay with a colloidal gold reporter, giving results in 15 minutes.

For Recent Infections

Antibody tests detect the immune system's response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, so a positive result indicates a past or resolving COVID-19 infection. This can be used to monitor how many people have been exposed to coronavirus, even those who developed no symptoms; antibody tests are therefore most useful in contact tracing, to control infection spread, and in estimating potential immunity levels.

Because antibody levels are normally detectable from about a week after first exposure, usually after the peak infectious period, this test is not most appropriate for diagnosing currently infectious individuals.

COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit IgG + IgM (Colloidal Gold) - A122152 - Antibodies.com
Rapid test kit for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgM + IgG antibodies in human whole blood, serum or plasma, in vitro. This COVID-19 rapid test is a lateral flow assay that displays results after 10 minutes.

For Immunity

Our neutralizing antibody test detects the immune system's successful response against the SARS-CoV-2 virus; specifically, it detects the presence of antibodies that block the virus's cell entry machinery. A positive result is therefore evidence of strong immunity against COVID-19. This can be used to evaluate possible immunity after an infection or a vaccination against SARS-CoV-2.

It is important to note that although testing for the presence of antibodies, especially neutralizing antibodies, against SARS-CoV-2 are a promising initial screening test for immunity, research is still ongoing as to how effective this will be clinicaly, and for how long this immunity will remain.

Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization Antibody Test Kit (Colloidal Gold) - A254396 - Antibodies.com
This test kit is a rapid chromatographic immunoassay for semi-quantitative detection of neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, in human serum or plasma.

Why use rapid lateral flow tests?

Rapid lateral flow tests can identify not only current infections (antigen tests), but also ongoing or recent infections (antibody tests), and now they can also help estimate immunity after infection or vaccination (neutralizing antibody test).

The ease and speed of lateral flow tests means they offer complete flexibility of where tests can be performed, so long as a small testing station can be set up: in your office, in an airport, for clients at the entrance to your workplace, or for patients arriving at a clinic.

Because our testing kits come with a complete set of tools needed for performing a group of tests, the testing regime you follow is fully scaleable and can be tailored to your business's size.

Our tests have been tested clinically against laboratory-based tests for sensitivity (correctly identifying positive cases) and specificity (correctly identifying negative cases); see our COVID-19 info and FAQ page for further explanation of testing. We openly publish all of this data on our product pages and in the attached data sheets, so you can be assured of your result.

Which COVID-19 tests should I buy?

Covid-19 Testing Periods Diagram

Tests for diseases are only effective when used at the right time, and the results applied in the right way.

Over the course of an average COVID-19 case, the levels of virus become detectable approximately 7 days before symptoms develop, and then fall again as the immune system removes the virus to undetectable levels, usually by day 7 of having symptoms. The COVID-19 antigen tests are therefore effective in this period, to detect a current infection. The results of antigen tests can be used to diagnose ongoing cases, to trigger periods of self-isolation, and to track and help stop the spread of the virus.

As the immune system responds to the virus, it creates type IgG and IgM antibodies to combat the infection. These become detectable from day 7 of symptoms, and remain detectable in the blood stream for several weeks; they may remain present at lower levels for many months. The COVID-19 antibody tests are therefore effective in this period, to detect a recent, recovering, or past infection. These results can be used for contact tracing and evaluating previous COVID-19 exposure.

Following an infection or a vaccination against coronavirus, the immune system can make antibodies which bind a specific area of the spike protein of the virus. This blocks the virus from entering cells in the airway and neutralizes the virus before an infection starts. These antibodies are detectable in the blood after 7 days of symptoms, for many weeks. The results of neutralizing antibody tests can be used as a good indicator of immunity against COVID-19, though caution should still be taken.

These times are the periods in when each test is likely to give a positive result, in an average case, and can be used as a guide for how to interpret the results. Regular testing is recommended, including outside symptomatic periods, as this will help identify asymptomatic individuals and track COVID-19 spread. This diagram was produced using current research into COVID-19 (1, 2, 3).

Who can use these test kits?

These kits can be used by any business to test their employees and customers, especially where social distancing is not always possible, such as in construction, retail, hotels, transport, restaurants, and hospitality.

These COVID-19 testing kits can also be used by doctors, GPs, dentists, and other medical professionals for rapid testing, to ensure patients arriving at the clinic are not a health risk to your staff and to each other. Rapid results means a minimal delay for your customers or patients.

How to order your COVID-19 Testing Kits

To place an order for any of our testing kits, please fill in the contact form below and we will respond within 24 hours to complete your order.

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Please enter the number of kits you require.
25 tests per kit
25 tests per kit
40 tests per kit
25 tests per kit
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