Immunofluorescent analysis of cortical neuron-glial cell culture from E20 rat stained with Anti-CNPase Antibody (A85412), dilution 1:1,000, in green, and co-stained with Anti-GFAP Antibody [5C10] (A85422), dilution 1:1,000, in red. The blue is DAPI staining of nuclear DNA. The CNP antibody stains the myelin producing cells, oligodendrocytes in this part of the CNS, while the GFAP antibody stains astroglia.
Figure 2: Western Blot - Anti-CNPase Antibody (A85412)
Western blot analysis of different tissue lysates using Anti-CNPase Antibody (A85412), dilution 1:5,000, in red. The lanes contain: [1] protein standard (red), [2] rat brain, [3] rat spinal cord, [4] mouse brain, [5] mouse spinal cord, and [6] cow spinal cord. Double bands at 46 and 48 kDa mark correspond to the two isotypes of the CNP protein. The blot was simultaneously probed with Anti-Calretinin Antibody (A85366), dilution 1:2,000, in green. The single band at 29 kDa corresponds to the calretinin protein.
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