Recommended Dilutions
Recombinant Human Lysozyme is added in lysing bacterial cells to the cell extraction buffer at a range of 0.05-0.5mg/ml (7,000-70,000 U/ml). The common extraction buffer for E. coli cells contains 0.2mg/ml of recombinant Lysozyme in 100mM Tris-HCl, 2mM EDTA, 0.05% Triton X-100, pH 8. The cell paste is suspended in extraction buffer and incubated for at least 15 min at room temperature. Alternatively, Triton X-100 at 1% and PMSF at 1mM can be added separately and the lysis solution is further incubated for at least 15 min at 37C. In other cases, freeze-thaw cycles, sonication, and mechanical cell disruptions are also used to complement the lysozyme lysis protocol.