This antibody recognises an epitope within the C-terminal region (CT) of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), a glycolytic enzyme which plays a key role in energy production, and has also been implicated in numerous cellular processes.GAPDH is a homotetramer molecule consisting of four 36kDa subunits, constitutively expressed in most cells and tissues, and is responsible for the generation of energy during carbohydrate metabolism, catalysing the reversible oxidative phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.GAPDH has a role as a multifunctional protein and is involved in critical nuclear pathways, apoptosis, membrane transport and fusion, DNA replication and repair and phosphotransferase activity. Furthermore, the ability of GAPDH to bind with high affinity to ß-amyloid precursor protein (Alzheimers disease) and selectively with CAG mutated proteins, including huntingtin (Huntingdons disease) and the androgen receptor (spinobulbar muscular atrophy), indicates roles for GAPDH in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases.