Immunofluorescent analysis of rat cerebellum section stained with Anti-CNPase Antibody (1:2,000 | green) and Anti-NF-H Anitbody (A85336 | 1:10,000 | red). Following transcardial perfusion of rat with 4% paraformaldehyde, brain was post fixed for 24 hours, cut to 45µM, and free-floating sections were stained with the above antibodies. The Anti-CNPase Antibody stains myelin and oligodendrocytes, cells that create the myelin sheath around axons. The Anti-NF-H Antibody labels the heavily phosphorylated axonal forms of NF-H which are localized in large projection axons.
Mixed neuron-glial cell cultures stained with Anti-CNPase Antibody (red) and Anti-GFAP Antibody (A85422 | green). The Anti-CNPase Antibody stains strongly in oligodendrocytes, whereas Anti-GFAP Antibody labels the intermediate filament in astrocytes. Blue is DNA staining showing the nuclei of these and numerous other cells, most of which are neurons and which do not express either CNP or GFAP.
Western blot analysis of spinal cord tissue lysates using Anti-CNPase Antibody (1:5,000 | red): [1] protein standard (red), [2] mouse, [3] rat, and [4] cow spinal cord. A doublet of bands at 46kDa and 48kDa correspond to isotypes of the CNP protein. The blot was simultaneously probed with Anti-Alpha-Internexin Antibody (A85448 | 1:2,000 | green). Major bands in the 64-66 kDa range corresponds to a-internexin.
Blot of rat brain tissue homogenates probed with Anti-CNPase Antibody (1:5,000) using LiCor infrared imager. Anti-CNPase Antibody binds strongly and specifically to CNP at ~48 kDa. Numbers at left show positions of protein standards of indicated molecular weight in kDa.
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