Principle of Assay
StreptaClick® HRP Complete Tyramide Signal Amplification and Biotinylation Kit provides everything needed for highly sensitive, multiplex IHC with five different antibodies. First, this kit offers a rapid, robust, and flexible method to generate horseradish peroxidase-conjugated primary antibodies using click chemistry, compatible with primary antibodies from any host species. Second, the novel HRP block buffer provided efficiently quenches HRP activity between staining cycles. Unlike other buffers, this HRP block buffer does not require boiling between cycles of immunostaining, which usually destroys frozen sections. This makes StreptaClick® HRP compatible with both FFPE sections and frozen sections, preserving tissue morphology while reducing the time for each staining cycle. Finally, the tyramide signal amplification (TSA) kit provided enables highly sensitive multiplexed staining by sequential IHC within a single day. StreptaClick® labeling occurs within 10 minutes, is highly efficient and can be carried out at any volume, concentration, or buffer. Once conjugated to HRP, each antibody is sequentially added to the sample and developed using tyramide signal amplification reagents. Quenching of each antibody-HRP conjugate with the novel HRP blocking buffer allows subsequent antibodies to be added in turn, until tyramide signal amplification has been performed for all antibodies.