Bovine IL-8 Matched Antibody Pair Kit includes an unlabeled monoclonal capture antibody, biotin-labeled monoclonal detection antibody, Streptavidin-AP, recombinant IL-8 ELISA standard, and standard reconstitution buffer. This matched antibody pair kit can be used to quantify native and recombinant bovine and canine IL-8. Matched antibody pair kits are ideal for economical ELISA and ELISA-based assay development.
Assay Type
Sandwich (quantitative)
Detection Type
Sample Type
Serum, plasma, and cell culture supernatant.
Product Range
8-800 pg/ml
This matched antibody pair kit utilizes a pair of antibodies to specifically recognize bovine IL-8.
Bovine, Canine
Cross Reactivity
This matched antibody pair kit cross-reacts with IL-8 from dog.
General Notes
It may be necessary to optimize the reagents in this matched antibody pair kit for your sample type, immunoassay format, or instrumentation. The protocol manual outlines the recommended assay procedure to run a standard 96-well microplate sandwich ELISA using AP/pNPP system for colorimetric quantitative detection of bovine IL-8.
Shipped at +4°C. Store the ELISA standard at -20°C. Store all other reagents at +4°C.